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Below are the writing-related links I tweeted last week.
The Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine, designed by software engineer and writer Mike Fleming, makes all these links searchable. Sign up for the free monthly WKB newsletter for the web's best links and interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1 . .
I released an ebook recently. Progressive Dinner Deadly is a Myrtle Clover mystery, available for $2.99 on Kindle and Nook. The 3rd book in the Memphis Barbeque series will release November 1—Hickory Smoked Barbeque (available now for preorder).
5 tips for using Outlook Calendar to manage your work day: http://bit.ly/pRHBVY
Amazon and Lightning Source: The End of an Era? http://bit.ly/qkziHs
How to Get Your Book Reviewed: http://bit.ly/mXW1zy @bookmarketer
3 types of responses you might get when you tell people you're a writer: http://bit.ly/pSi6NL @bookviewcafe
The key to writing a fast 1st draft: http://bit.ly/oXLiB5 @LiaKeyes
Do Spoilers Really Spoil Anything? http://bit.ly/p6C1vr @janice_hardy
Emotional Freedom Technique For Writers: http://bit.ly/nNDIRg
Cutting Unnecessary Characters: http://bit.ly/npDDeL @charissaweaks
How Pets Can Help With the Creation of Compelling Characters: http://bit.ly/oJmEDj @kselliottwriter
Your Public Persona - Proudly Wearing the Author Badge: http://bit.ly/piZmWD
5 Free and Easy Ways to Become a Savvy Author: http://bit.ly/ptEBr5 @bookmarketer
Have You Written Your Million Words of Dreck Yet? http://bit.ly/pPEBsv
Kurt Vonnegut on the shape of stories: http://bit.ly/oJAZ45
5 Stress-Busters to Beat a Deadline: http://bit.ly/pTzn9D
5 Things Self-Publishers Shouldn't Worry About (But They Do): http://bit.ly/pvFpWQ #ebooks
Are writers running out of titles? (Guardian): http://bit.ly/o0mWXB
How to rescue a stalled plot: http://bit.ly/ok1nIR
8 tools for using humor in your fiction: http://bit.ly/r63lDW @BryanThomasS
Why 1 writer doesn't autofollow on Twitter and 10 reasons she might not individually follow back: http://bit.ly/q3yB9f @katdish
Freelancers--How to Convince Prospects You're a Pro Writer: http://bit.ly/nH8dLt @TiceWrites
A review of verb tense: http://bit.ly/n3wiNp
The big tent of reading: http://bit.ly/oEn2lj @BTMargins
The cult of SF: http://bit.ly/mWNxDp @MarkCN
Their Cheatin' Hearts: Infidelity in Women's Fiction: http://bit.ly/potyWf @heroesnhearts
An Agent on Authors and Magical Thinking: http://bit.ly/pjaSFb #pubtip
Social Media Etiquette – Good Intentions or Not, Spam IS Spam: http://bit.ly/oozEjt @carlayoung
Word misuse: http://bit.ly/ovPK3p
1 writer's marketing plan: http://bit.ly/p4C9f4 @Ghunibee
The 5 Most Important Things Authors Should Know About Book Promo: http://bit.ly/q1dMNd @CathyStucker
5 ways to promote your book months—or years—after the initial publication date: http://bit.ly/q1ZvNI
10 Helpful Uses of RSS Feeds for Marketing: http://bit.ly/pg2E2q
3 core roles needed in running your own creative business: http://bit.ly/naq0Ib
One author urges Nano wrimos to take Oct. to plan your story: http://bit.ly/oeqHCv @Murderati
How industry insider @michaelhyatt unfollowed 108,698 people on Twitter and reclaimed his inbox: http://bit.ly/njYZth
5 tips for creating an effective villain: http://bit.ly/q8Rlz3
10 Badass Women from Fantasy Literature: http://bit.ly/nyV0uS @ToplessRobot
POV & characterization mean divorcing from yourself: http://bit.ly/nTeyL8 @JulietteWade
Knowing and finding your readers is critical: http://bit.ly/oxWh8z
How to prepare your Kindle text for a print edition: http://bit.ly/nPI6Xy @dirtywhitecandy
What makes a zombie a zombie to 1 writer: http://bit.ly/qr6eyv
How much work is self-publishing? 1 writer's list of tasks: http://bit.ly/oJoYY8 #ebooks @cathryanhoward
1 writer's love/hate relationship w/ storyboards: http://bit.ly/pEnQ7D
7 Principles of Pitching Articles: http://bit.ly/pal5Ts
Fear is the downfall of publishing: http://bit.ly/n73xAg @bob_mayer
Is there a template for creativity? http://bit.ly/nXKfkD
How story questions hook readers and drive character and plot forward: http://bit.ly/pirkrr @HP4Writers
6 ways to tame writers' public speaking fears: http://bit.ly/pF1dgr
The rise of the indie author: http://bit.ly/q4eaDx #ebooks @tglong
The good, the bad, and the ugly of historical research: http://bit.ly/pAKObP @kbowenwriter
A character interview that focuses on what made them who they are now: http://bit.ly/mRxfKB
The self published author has no one to tell him no: http://bit.ly/pNw4mW #ebooks
3 tips for correct dialect in your writing: http://bit.ly/owatsa @4kidlit
15 reasons writers love libraries: http://bit.ly/n2Let8
A writer's thoughts on signifying length of an #ebook to a reader (so they won't feel cheated by a short read): http://bit.ly/nDmFU5 @rule17
How 1 writer applies structure to a story: http://bit.ly/q2RcSA
9 Forms of the Past Tense: http://bit.ly/pzyXeD
Chapter-by-Chapter Critique Tips: http://bit.ly/ozWrCG @marybaka
To make money with #ebooks, you must have a good number for sale: http://bit.ly/nj2KNE @DeanWesleySmith
An attorney answers questions about the use of lyrics in a novel: http://bit.ly/oq9P5P via @PassiveVoiceBlg
Amazon Considers #eBook Rental Service: http://bit.ly/njUYFF @galleycat
Tips for writing believable dialogue: http://wordservewatercooler.com/2011/09/13/writing-believable-dialogue/
What authors can learn from the bestseller lists: http://bit.ly/o2Fb6i
The Art of the Picture Book: http://bit.ly/mWcjt4 @fuelyourwriting
Tips for faster paced novels: http://bit.ly/o1l9H9 @SarahAHoyt
Are Publishers Unwittingly Responsible For 167% Surge In #ebook Sales? http://bit.ly/q3MLds @ChandlerWrites
A discussion on fantasy subgenres: http://bit.ly/n4DF3M @FantasyFaction
How to build a writing team: http://bit.ly/qNJDFH @jhansenwrites
Research--too much and too little: http://bit.ly/ra3WWU @authorterryo
Writing...it's worth the trouble: http://bit.ly/qxUUEz @JeffGoins
How to Find Clichés in Your Writing: http://bit.ly/p0NhIV @BTMargins
14 Dos and Don'ts for Introducing Your Protagonist: http://bit.ly/oN2gzG @AnneRAllen
Contrasting character traits: http://bit.ly/pxXCaY
When an editor's or agent's personal politics changes a story: http://bit.ly/pCvhqV @sarahlapolla
The art and craft of fantasy writing: http://bit.ly/qwHzE9
Composing composition: http://bit.ly/revGdB @RavenRequiem13
Don't Use "The" Before Kindle or Nook? http://bit.ly/pgEZwJ
Thinking Outside the Computer: Longhand and the Brain: http://bit.ly/odPlol
Dealing with bad direction in critique groups: http://bit.ly/r53jsG @dirtywhitecandy
Bloom's Taxonomy and New Authors: http://bit.ly/qSNnUe
A writer's main objective: http://bit.ly/nsKPlR
Deadly Sin of –Treating the Reader Like a Moron: http://bit.ly/nbQytz
3 elements of a well-written debut novel: http://bit.ly/qYRO5d @mkinberg
10 lies you might tell yourself while editing: http://bit.ly/qocRkD @elspethwrites
7 Ways to Develop Dazzling Dialogue: http://bit.ly/qv3dS7 @JodyHedlund
When you want to change agents: http://bit.ly/pWFmBE @4Kidlit
A look at the history of food & incorporating it into our books: http://bit.ly/qL2VhT @GeneLempp
Archetypes in writers and gender differences: http://bit.ly/qK7XqX
How to write a query letter: http://bit.ly/q2KiBa #pubtip @BubbleCow
The YA Author's Complete Guide to Acceptable Characters: http://bit.ly/nsr26O @BTMargins
6 Compelling Reasons for Authors to Blog: http://bit.ly/rba94s @jfbookman
5 tips for a stronger novel: http://bit.ly/rk7nzJ s @catewoods
75 Contronyms (Words with Contradictory Meanings): http://bit.ly/piUxa3
Putting Creatives in a Box: http://bit.ly/nee9SI @on_creativity
Should you hire a book publicist? http://bit.ly/nGzzMh @GalleyCat
When the going gets tough: http://bit.ly/q2OSlc @MsAnnAguirre
Will my agent rep a different genre? http://bit.ly/qlkWSv @RachelleGardner
Deciding on device: http://bit.ly/nfivPZ @Mommy_Authors
Ebook Cover Design: Context Creates Possibilities: http://bit.ly/r6ubSb #ebooks @namenick
Amazon Looking for Tablet Content: http://bit.ly/paW347 @PassiveVoiceBlg
2 Words That Can Change Your Writing Career: http://bit.ly/qmfFmk @writeitsideways
An editorial director on the "no response means no" policy: http://bit.ly/oDfipS
If you can't describe your story, there probably isn't a story, states an agent: http://bit.ly/nMlT4b @greyhausagency
A character's behavior reveals underlying power assumptions: http://bit.ly/r3M4gv @JulietteWade
Using more than 1 POV character: http://bit.ly/pOX6M9 @JulietteWade
Authors Guild And Others Sue Universities for Copyright Infringement: http://bit.ly/rtcbRV @victoriastrauss
"Look Inside" for Kindle Books – 3 Tips for Authors: http://bit.ly/pyOW0q #ebooks @namenick
The 3-Step 3-Minute Writer's Workout Warm-Up: http://bit.ly/oSCVZx @YAHighway
Lessons of letting go--the author and his babies: http://bit.ly/qmOfOu @BryanThomasS
3 tips for becoming a better writer: http://bit.ly/qjBmpj @TheCreativePenn
Part of the creative process is creating a mess: http://bit.ly/oNh8WI @bookviewcafe
Resources that protect writers: http://bit.ly/n54C4T
1st v. 3rd person POV: http://bit.ly/reLTzg @Janice_Hardy
Fanfiction & Original Fiction: Similarities and Differences: http://bit.ly/oB2khK
5 tips to jump-start a stalled novel: http://bit.ly/r4zmDU s
Not Every Ebook is a Success, But it's Always a Lesson: http://bit.ly/rceZk4 @problogger
The real gatekeepers in publishing now? Authors. http://bit.ly/n0bPqb @bob_mayer
How to self-promote without selling your soul: http://bit.ly/qIU5wi @lkblackburne
The Translation Continuum – Speaking Across the Divide: http://bit.ly/q1dsus @BTMargins
Vocation vs. Avocation: http://bit.ly/rfbtl6
Quick tweaks can fix revision smudges: http://bit.ly/oNPD86
Defying Digital, Airport and Transit Bookstores Gain Ground at Home and Abroad: http://bit.ly/mVm2Mp #publishing
Elements of religion, with cautions, for worldbuilders: http://bit.ly/qSxjEq @JulietteWade
Is media tie-in writing right for you? http://bit.ly/rhrscg @jameslsutter
How the Crowd Is Shaping the Future of Storytelling: http://on.mash.to/qhXNo2 @mashable
5 tips 1 writer has learned from her 2 year old: http://bit.ly/nizU4s @buriededitor
The future of #publishing--retail? http://bit.ly/nfqADd @nicolaz
4 ways to build a writer's platform: http://bit.ly/pwW9fn @JodyCalkins
What Writing and Ghost Stories Have in Common: http://bit.ly/pxPVRx @YAHighway
The Writing Life Vs. the Married Life: http://bit.ly/rjZ5h2
An Agent on Looking Around While Still Represented: http://bit.ly/q0jf1n @Kid_Lit
The art of the subplot: http://bit.ly/rcVqec @FantasyFaction
How to write effective dialogue: http://bit.ly/ncEsC3 @BubbleCow
6 reasons an agent or editor may say your story is "not for them": http://bit.ly/o0kr2h
How to Write A Wildly Successful Web Series: http://bit.ly/pGJhC6 @ollinmorales
Reselling digital products: http://bit.ly/p7xemQ @TheresaStevens
The importance of giving yourself challenges with your : http://bit.ly/pmM8PT
Nice collection of industry news, views, & trends by @Porter_Anderson for @JaneFriedman : http://bit.ly/qrXXrZ
How Rowling revealed backstory: http://bit.ly/qAekfy @HP4Writers
When novel ideas masquerade as short stories: http://bit.ly/nL5F3w @bluemaven
All my tweets are archived and searchable for free at the Writer's Knowledge Base: http://bit.ly/dYRayA
Best Articles This Week for Writers 9/16/11: http://bit.ly/req2Fg @4kidlit
Pseudo Dialogue Tags: http://bit.ly/qNE2Za @TaliaVance
Research for Writers: In Defense of Wikipedia: http://bit.ly/r5V0Ms
Why your hero must pet a dog: http://bit.ly/q2xw5A @KMWeiland
Dated writing: http://bit.ly/ovpNDj
Voice begins with word choices: http://bit.ly/qk4vqE
Voice Is Not Everything (but it is vitally important): http://bit.ly/paNkXB
14 authors explain how they learned to read their work aloud: http://bit.ly/q5Bq6R
The Submission Process: One Author's Perspective: http://bit.ly/nXDdc2
The Deadly Sins of Romance Writing: http://bit.ly/puggXV
Book Cards Work: http://bit.ly/rlPuh6 @DeanWesleySmith
White-Knuckling Your Author Platform: How to Rein in the Social Media Pressure: http://bit.ly/pU4thq @RoniLoren
5 ways to tackle beginnings: http://bit.ly/pRC0sy @fuelyourwriting
Tips for earning a living as a writer: http://bit.ly/pZsiai @BubbleCow
The Art of Naming Your Characters: http://bit.ly/qBBxtL @Sarafurlong
Writing lessons from the playground: http://bit.ly/pgdfdU @CateWoods
The importance of word choice: http://bit.ly/nvsKC1
Book Trailers — worth the effort? http://bit.ly/rbx0vZ @George_Ivanoff
Tips for writing a good critique: http://bit.ly/oBfikW @FantasyFaction
Tips for researching your novel: http://bit.ly/pLjoVC @BubbleCow
How Battered Paint Pots & Writing Haikus Taught 1 Writer To Be More Creative: http://bit.ly/qgsAJI @coachcreative
Promoting science: where is the next Asimov, Sagan and Gardner? http://bit.ly/qlrk2K @jamietr
1 writer's thoughts after 10 years of using e-readers: http://bit.ly/qBlE3x @robertjsawyer
How to be tough with yourself as a writer: http://bit.ly/q50xOm
Resources to help journalists with accuracy and verification: http://bit.ly/qEjCfO @stevebuttry
What makes up a chapter and a scene: http://bit.ly/nVjGAq
Real Life Diagnostics: Am I Grabbing the Middle Grade Reader? http://bit.ly/pHDGgd @Janice_Hardy
A character questionnaire with some deep questions for your character to answer: http://bit.ly/pgiSBL
To Be, Or Not To Be, A Writer Of Short Fiction: http://bit.ly/nmT3OF
How to self-publish your ebook (PBS): http://to.pbs.org/nMjxak @MissAdventuring
Why persistence matters: http://bit.ly/pVahbI @Shelli_Johnson
A linguist's thoughts on word choice and diction's role in novels: http://bit.ly/qKWsLD @mkinberg