![Terry3_thumb[1] Terry3_thumb[1]](//lh3.ggpht.com/_v68WnMKHlKQ/TUTKuqlcfNI/AAAAAAAACR8/TyP-OeTYkMY/Terry3_thumb%5B1%5D_thumb%5B158%5D.png?imgmax=800)
Below are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter in the past week. Hope you’ll enter this month’s WKB giveaway for a chance to win the "Butt-in-Chair" writer productivity eBook by Jennifer Blanchard.
Two copies to give away! Enter the drawing
Finger Lickin’ Dead released on the 7th. Hope you’ll consider it if you enjoy mysteries, or know someone who does.Download it on Kindle: http://amzn.to/kh7MAp Mass market paperback: http://amzn.to/lfUE2N
And--Happy Father's Day, Daddy! (And to all the dads out there. :) )
The elusive rewards of e-book publishing: http://bit.ly/kpewmT
Beware These Writing Pests: http://bit.ly/jT9RD3
Things one writer has learned after completing his 1st draft: http://bit.ly/jJWJxX @JustusRStone
Making thrillers out of classics: adapting Shakespeare's Macbeth: http://bit.ly/mNvEcD
Writing time-management for the harried home-writer: http://bit.ly/kN2aL7
All About Glosses, or Brief Definitions: http://bit.ly/kyicNq
Why writing a sleuthing have a lot in common: http://bit.ly/keR6wt @mkinberg
The Art of Keeping Your Blog Audience Coming Back for More: http://bit.ly/lrWX8C
My "Finger Lickin' Dead" release and a chance to win it: http://bit.ly/jy9s1J
Did You Know? Twitter Hashtags & How to Use Them: http://bit.ly/kETg19 @JanetBoyer
Working Within a Critique Group: http://bit.ly/jaMeRJ
Amateur-Hour Books: Do You Know the Warning Signs? http://bit.ly/lGkJud
Publishing Traditionally Without an Agent - Part II: http://bit.ly/kS9LzN
5 Tips to Stay Encouraged During Querying: http://bit.ly/jYaZKg
5 Articles on Knowing When to Submit: http://bit.ly/jJj4jH
Yoga for Writers: http://bit.ly/msLXdV
5 ways to screw up your author podcast: http://bit.ly/iInClc
It's a Start: The First Line: http://bit.ly/jUyKKd
Edit in an Instant? Ain’t Gonna Happen: http://bit.ly/iTZfJA
Write Your Query FIRST for a Better Book: http://bit.ly/kUfGL4
On Story Arcs: http://bit.ly/lsSw8o
Trading Excerpts with Other Authors in the Back Matter of Your Ebook: http://bit.ly/jqNnf0
Write your novel in 30 days--Day 3: Getting your ducks in a row: http://bit.ly/jH2LLf @Mommy_Authors
The 10 Most Powerful Women Authors (Forbes): http://onforb.es/kmcqPc
For writing quotes--from the interesting to the inspirational: @AdviceToWriters and http://www.advicetowriters.com/
20 Reasons Why Creative People Work in Cafes: http://bit.ly/jZVNsE via @on_creativity
A writer & tweeter focuses on giveaways for readers & publicizes contests for promoting authors: @romancegiveaway @joanswan
A prolific book cover artist explains her process: http://bit.ly/isXO21
Are you misappropriating malapropisms? http://bit.ly/iVUFwR
Writing Male Characters: http://bit.ly/jdywAe
Vampires: Origins, Evolution and Role in Fantasy Fiction: http://bit.ly/mp9gF7
The inculcation of some good writing habits: http://bit.ly/kvCoik
10 Tips for Critiquing Other People’s Writing: http://bit.ly/lTi0uw
5 Weak Words that Make Your Writing Less Effective: http://bit.ly/l6Kt48
Drafting your first novel: http://bit.ly/mjYvRc
How to Be a Dream Interview Subject: http://bit.ly/jt6YdJ
Beating Writer's Block Using Everyday Experiences: http://bit.ly/mbpFCY
17 tips for a successful writing blog: http://bit.ly/mmcwKD @annerallen
Real Life Diagnostics: Opening Thrill of a Thriller: http://bit.ly/iKgdye
Fixing flat sentences: http://bit.ly/kdPJCd
Writers--appreciate your growth: http://bit.ly/lRIIzd @juliemusil
How To Write Novels and Short Stories - Not: http://bit.ly/lWHLJa
A helpful thesaurus for settings, emotions, symbolism, & weather--now with character traits: http://bit.ly/mQINxh @AngelaAckerman
Write your novel in 30 days--Day 5:Turning Points: http://bit.ly/jY3Dlg @Mommy_Authors
Researching story locations: http://bit.ly/mmh4kk @storiestorm
Now with over 8000 links to help #writers find resources: http://bit.ly/dYRayA
Examples of series that have been continued after the author's demise: http://bit.ly/kALbyr @mkinberg
The well-read author--tips for finding time to read: http://bit.ly/jdqPBL @penguinusa
4 Ways to Grow Your Blog with the Power of Experts: http://bit.ly/myyPpf
The New Nook Simple Touch Reader: Awesome for Reading and Buying Books. Everything else? Meh. http://bit.ly/mpqq27
Cover Page Design for the Dirt Poor and Graphically Challenged: http://bit.ly/jL5NtE
Tasks that take up a writer's work day: http://bit.ly/mOIb49
9 ways to build a better blog and increase your traffic in the process: http://bit.ly/kLws0C @Harrison314
Developing Your Creative Practice: http://bit.ly/lOpVkp
How to Win Readers and Make Them Stick: http://bit.ly/jgTvMw
My look at a master of mystery who inspired me to write: http://bit.ly/iT9Xpk @kbowenwriter
Lee Goldberg's response to Joe Konrath's post on the Mystery Writers of America: http://bit.ly/iuy9GU
An Editor Looks at First Pages: http://bit.ly/jod1Mv
As usual, a nice links roundup from 2 historical writers: http://bit.ly/mNWInq
Search my tweets-- http://dld.bz/KPgS
Balancing the long view and the short view as a writer: http://bit.ly/mwtGeX
Traditional & Indie Publishing Advantages: http://bit.ly/m203UX
40+ Free Tools for Authors: http://bit.ly/ltxIGx
Improving Creativity: The Absorb Brainset: http://bit.ly/lb0ixD
Tips for attending writers' conferences: http://bit.ly/msEwh1
Young Adult Literature: Is it too dark? WSJ Thinks So...http://bit.ly/kiX9j5
Maintaining your story's verb tense: http://bit.ly/iBxwYR
Are Teen Novels Dark and Depraved — or Saving Lives? (Publishers Weekly): http://bit.ly/jMABnO
Stories are like sharks – to stay alive they must keep moving: http://bit.ly/iN0Qcd
Killing the Sacred Cows of Publishing: Speed: http://bit.ly/lIVgw0
The Matrix Moment of Story Engineering: http://bit.ly/l4qBzj
Tips for interviewing: http://bit.ly/lIss4f
Writers Beware: http://bit.ly/k58cHI
Promotional Materials For Authors: Bookmarks: http://bit.ly/kFydcr
Heroic fantasy: http://bit.ly/m8aqHz
Sex vs. Relationships in YA: http://bit.ly/malmj4
YA Fairy Tale Retellings: http://bit.ly/ixa7rU
Manage Email, Not Time: http://bit.ly/k37Gb0
For the writer addicted to office supply stores...a blog devoted to pens: http://bit.ly/iAsAhW via @designerdaze
10 of the best bows and arrows in literature (Guardian): http://bit.ly/iIakGK
Why 'real poets' don't exist: http://bit.ly/j3EMpL
A Handbook of Rhetorical Devices: http://bit.ly/lBjKse
Plotting the Mystery: http://bit.ly/kadBf3
Why 1 writer won't include musical references in his books: http://bit.ly/mbz8Pu
A character trait thesaurus entry for "thoughtful": http://bit.ly/jDPU2s @AngelaAckerman
The search engine for #writers: http://bit.ly/dYRayA
The real road to social media success may surprise you: http://bit.ly/lT0y5c
The Secret to Selling: Writing a Fast-Paced Novel: http://bit.ly/jcrERU
The courage *not* to publish: http://bit.ly/mGt6P5
Writing a sequel? Tips to keep from boring returning readers or confusing new ones: http://t.co/bq877QW @HartJohnson
40 Questions for a Stronger Manuscript: http://bit.ly/iPP1WP @4kidlit
Scenes are about change: http://bit.ly/iTSYfi
Should you consider using chapter titles? http://bit.ly/lkeY1M @JulietteWade
“The Help” –Context and Concept: http://bit.ly/lyZoWx
5 Reasons to Consider Giving Away a Free Ebook: http://bit.ly/jQXKYc
One writer's road map for writing mysteries: http://bit.ly/kgIoLf
The Importance of Supporting Characters: http://bit.ly/m5htd7
What Makes Good Sci Fi: http://bit.ly/kPNty5
7 Ways to Build Up Your Writing Confidence: http://bit.ly/mlCGyS
6 Easy Ways To Reward Your Twitter Followers: http://on.mash.to/lSjDTT
Just because the book is bad doesn’t mean someone will come to your house and arrest you: http://bit.ly/ldEUAe
The Emptiness of 'Literary Fiction' and the Stereotyping of Genre Literature: http://bit.ly/ln1XHq
A Tip for the First Time Novelist: http://bit.ly/j6CWx2
Why Staying Silent Can Cost You: http://bit.ly/lP0jn3
Sign up for the monthly WKB newsletter for the web's best links and interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1
The Hunger Games - A Lesson In Plot: http://bit.ly/mgFXaH
Enjoy mysteries? Know someone who does? Check out my latest: Finger Lickin' Dead: Kindle: http://amzn.to/kh7MAp Print: http://amzn.to/lfUE2N
How to Revise a Manuscript or Story: http://bit.ly/lFYzd9
A Tortoise Writer Picks Up the Pace: http://bit.ly/mbdgo6
Into? In To? Onto? On To? http://bit.ly/jPD3TJ
10 Ways to Improve Your Author Website: http://bit.ly/k95Xbw
Conquering show and tell: http://bit.ly/iGnHjg
Juggling Plots, Characters, Publishers and Editors…Keeping it All Straight: http://bit.ly/ju2YCv
3 ways readers will judge your work: http://bit.ly/j0FqTg
5 Excellent Tips for Platform Building: http://bit.ly/inThpe
How to Characterize Wrong, in 3 Easy Steps: http://bit.ly/j8gChS
What Went Wrong with the Star Wars Prequels? http://bit.ly/ivK4GR
The Novel with Many Narrators is a Multiheaded Beast: http://bit.ly/ju1gaR
8 Reasons Why Unplugging Can Generate Better Ideas For Your Writing: http://bit.ly/kVR1nf
Working Through Pain: http://bit.ly/kSpy4K @ajackwriting
Blogging Solution For Those Who Hate To Blog: http://bit.ly/mC1FBd
More Sacred Cow-Tipping–Common Blogging Misconceptions: http://bit.ly/jvsOKr
Plot Busters – Three Tips from "Tangled": http://bit.ly/jW84xn
5 Productivity Tools for the Busy Freelancer: http://bit.ly/jEnJId
Querying dos and don'ts: http://bit.ly/kz1eaQ @HartJohnson @raquelbyrnes
How should authors deal with reviews? http://bit.ly/mLp3K8
Focus your Worldbuilding Efforts: http://bit.ly/ivvX07
Increasing Your Writing Productivity: http://bit.ly/kdeCTb
Love me! Read me! Buy me! Promoting Your Book: http://bit.ly/kyXIrt
The Dreaded Opening! - 5 Points about your Opening Scene: http://bit.ly/m0gA26
Book Marketing, Search Engine Optimisation And Using Press Releases For Your Book: http://bit.ly/jHVNxb @thecreativepenn
Conflict—Beyond Arguments and Fist Fights: http://bit.ly/lTTsUH
Literary Agents: Top 10 Ways to Make or Break that Relationship AFTER you Sign: http://bit.ly/lWNi1N
Book promo--traditional and 21st century: http://bit.ly/lHHtOq @SpunkOnAStick
Are You Ready for The Call? http://bit.ly/imi4TG
On the Edge of Your Seat – Creating Suspense: http://bit.ly/jHix2t
Make Your Writer’s Bookshelf Work For You: http://bit.ly/kd2T3L @jhansenwrites
What men and women talk about when they talk about publishing: http://bit.ly/iTuHxr & http://bit.ly/lnnFkP via @Porter_Anderson @donlinn
Self-editing checklist--repetition: http://bit.ly/iYP2bC
Writing for Reluctant Readers: http://bit.ly/kXJUZg
Developing the Hook in a Query Letter: http://bit.ly/kR2Ak5
Need help with pacing? http://bit.ly/gbXFZH
7 Solutions for Repetitive Sentence Structure: http://bit.ly/mk60yf
Must writers be natural storytellers? http://bit.ly/m1huNk @JulieMusil
Have You Posted Your Work Online? http://bit.ly/kc4d6V
Why Email Kills Productivity & What You Can Do About It: http://bit.ly/iMn38C
Writing From a Woman's Point of View: http://bit.ly/kkdExi
Write Creatively, Stress Free: http://bit.ly/jIp0YJ
One writer is happy about advice she *didn't* take: http://bit.ly/l4jxCa
Need help with scene transitions? http://bit.ly/fivggV
How Writers Can Rock LinkedIn: http://bit.ly/mj6lqU @jhansenwrites
This Week’s Twitter Tip–Understand the Power of Names: http://bit.ly/lO0zM7
The Pubbed Writer’s 7 Deadly Sins: http://bit.ly/lQWLx5
7 tips for writing away from home: http://bit.ly/lQhMnf @AlanOrloff
4 steps to useful critiques: http://bit.ly/jEpX16
Tips for Tackling the Rewrite: http://bit.ly/kWW3mk
10 Ways to Avoid Mid-Book Doldrums: http://bit.ly/j70S00
Building a book blurb: http://bit.ly/mD0dRH
3 things to do before you pay for professional copyediting: http://bit.ly/l0iBCa
Story structure--beginnings: http://bit.ly/lRxT8f
How X-Men Can Help You Craft a Better Antagonist: http://bit.ly/iQZHCr
What KIND of story is it? http://bit.ly/jTxPwR
Best Articles This Week for Writers 6/17/11: http://bit.ly/iqKcrY @4kidlit
eBook Self-Publishing: A Simple Guideline and Some Tips on Taking Those First Steps: http://bit.ly/kREUH9
Creativity Tweets of the Week — 6/17/11: http://bit.ly/iutKfK @on_creativity
A Case For Slow Writing: http://bit.ly/kdqxvh
Why Writers Need Lists: http://bit.ly/iN3ZuK
The Writer’s Soul: Built One Crack At A Time: http://bit.ly/iusRJp
On publishers who say they're "looking for new voices:" http://bit.ly/lLTlP0
Why Creative Blocks Aren’t Always Bad: http://bit.ly/imqrOj
How Much Should an Editor Charge? http://bit.ly/j1cobA
A writer's standing desk experiment: http://zenhabits.net/stand/
10 Stages of Revision Emotions: http://bit.ly/m9mBWG
Word 2010, Track Changes, and Privacy Concerns: http://bit.ly/lf1axF
Sexism in SF and F? http://bit.ly/kn5nqP
How to Manage Freelance Writing Projects: http://bit.ly/k9xpCN
Write What You Know? Maybe Not: http://bit.ly/mNcBlz
Dictate Your Story – An Unconventional Method of Completing A First Draft: http://bit.ly/jHhK7M
Why The 99-Cent Price Point May Not Be Working for You: http://bit.ly/jEhTCX
Formulating a fantastic first line: http://bit.ly/kwK4vw
Collaborative Writing: http://bit.ly/miIcWL
Are appearances still a worthwhile way to promote your book? http://bit.ly/mOkLfF
What to do after finishing your 1st draft: http://bit.ly/ke6HNT