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Bad Habits of Good Writers (Beyond Coffee): http://bit.ly/SErrZ6 @TheresaStevens @Porter_Anderson
Examples of childhood memories as plot elements in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/QyP5qo @mkinberg
Why writing with a book deal is a whole different game: http://bit.ly/T8DhB8 @internspills
3 Tips for Writing When Life is Chaotic and Crazy: http://bit.ly/SEMWcg @jodyhedlund
"Mirror scenes" and how to avoid them: http://bit.ly/T8Dswt @juliettewade
Self-Publishing Basics: Where to Publish: http://bit.ly/SENf6V @susankayequinn
The challenge of discoverabilty in a flooded ebook market (DBW con report): http://bit.ly/QI8nd8 @Porter_Anderson @richfahle @rickjoyce @clintonk
A Writer's Reasons For Falling In Love: http://bit.ly/T8DNz7 @mooderino
What You Need To Know About Writing Video Games: http://bit.ly/T8E30X @booklifenow
When to Hire a Freelance Editor: http://bit.ly/SENM8T @womenwriters
Characterization Skills and Sources: http://bit.ly/SENOO1
Alcohol and the Creative Process: http://bit.ly/T8Ex7n @sianbeilock
6 tips for successful networking: http://bit.ly/SEO8wd @rachellegardner
It's Not Just about the Writing: http://bit.ly/T8EVCW @4YALit
Writing Mistake: Are Your Characters Invincible? http://bit.ly/T8F21a @ava_jae
Ch. 1 Analyses: http://bit.ly/SEOyml @mooderino
Creative Power Tool: Words: http://bit.ly/Qqc4Xz @diymfa
How To Create A Writing Schedule That Works For You: http://bit.ly/Un4laK @authormedia
Full-service publishers are rethinking what they can offer: http://bit.ly/Qqc89E @passivevoiceblg
7 Freelance Writing Scams and How to Fight Them: http://bit.ly/QqcdtR @victoriastrauss @patrickicasas
7 Steps to Get Your Groove Back When You've Lost Your Writing Rhythm: http://bit.ly/Un4GKC @originalimpulse
Watching out for the "wrong" emotion in a secondary world: http://bit.ly/OL7kgi @juliettewade
7 More Ways to Prepare for NaNoWriMo: http://bit.ly/PT8a60 @PYOEbooks
Automated grammar programs: http://bit.ly/OL7HHN @TheresaStevens
The Sensual Writer - Sight: http://bit.ly/PT8GRr
10 Tips for Getting a Staff Writing Job: http://bit.ly/OL83hA @writing_tips
How not to get an agent: http://bit.ly/PT8ZM4
25 Apps to Help You Hack Productivity: http://bit.ly/OL8dpo @lifehackorg
Phases of editing during book production: http://bit.ly/PT9equ @bigblackcat97
Juicing (fraud in book reviewing): http://bit.ly/OL8okv
Sidekicks do NOT need their own stupid sidekicks: http://bit.ly/PT9vts @speechwriterguy
10 Most Epic Love Stories in All of Science Fiction: http://bit.ly/OL8wjT @i09
Make your stress work for you: http://bit.ly/OL8LeU @rachellegardner
A writer vows never to read a 5-star ebook again: http://bit.ly/OL8Uin @BarrBielinski
5 Creepy Social Media Marketing Tactics: http://bit.ly/Qea1D2 @KristenLambTX
Keeping Characters True to Themselves: http://bit.ly/Qe5CzY @stdennard @4YALit
Social Media Will Not Sell Your Book: http://bit.ly/Qlnvzv @hilarydavidson
15 grammatical errors to avoid: http://bit.ly/S4UFzC @bubblecow
What moves you to write? http://bit.ly/QsMDEx
The Influence Of History On Epic Fantasy: http://bit.ly/PNPq9x @fantasybookcrit
How to Overcome Distractions: http://bit.ly/QsMKjE @lifehackorg
Write big or go home: http://bit.ly/PNPEgQ @4YALit @nikkiloftin
Create your own writing retreat: http://bit.ly/QsMNMh
History as Mystery: http://bit.ly/PNPMNn @livewritethrive
How to Become A Literary Agent in 2 Easy Steps: http://bit.ly/QsMUYd @mandyhubbard
Rivet Your Readers with Deep POV: http://bit.ly/PNQavo @JillElizNelson
3 Free Photo Tools for Author Bloggers: http://bit.ly/QsMXDk @jfbookman
Elements of Fantasy: Zombies: http://bit.ly/PNQmLd @fantasyfaction
Using religion to add depth to your fiction: http://bit.ly/QsN3uG
"Setting" the Stage for Storytelling: http://bit.ly/PNQH0h @novelrocket
A writer talks about his experience dealing with depression: http://bit.ly/QsNaq6 @chrisbrogan
Changing senses: http://bit.ly/RawinY @emergentpublish
Working with Startups: 5 Tips for Publishers: http://bit.ly/POI71i @pubperspectives
Using hooks for your scene breaks: http://bit.ly/RawK5m @KMWeiland
Places for finding character names: http://bit.ly/POIw42 @karencv
Why Amazon Must Light a Fire Under the Kindle Fire: http://bit.ly/RawNyg @passivevoiceblg
Subjects you might have avoided in school that could be useful to your writing now: http://bit.ly/POIGbt @BTMargins @gripemaster
How to Write a Short Story No One Else Can Write: http://bit.ly/Rax7go @d_lazarin @joebunting
Character Development: Exploiting Weaknesses: http://bit.ly/POJ2Pm @ava_jae
The 5 Key Personality Traits of Successful Indie Authors: http://bit.ly/POJgWQ @duolit
Ebook Formatting - The Easy Way: http://bit.ly/Raxpny @susankayequinn
Step by Step Guide to Building an Ebook with Calibre: http://bit.ly/RbGJaH @howtowriteshop
How to Keep The Reader Hooked: The Dan Brown Secret: http://bit.ly/QyQf5e @yeomanis
3 Reasons Why Coercing Readers Into Newsletter Subscriptions Is a Bad Idea: http://bit.ly/RbGU5W @roniloren
The Writing Life: The point of the long and winding sentence: http://lat.ms/QyQuNE @LATimes
Animating Songwriting: Making Music That Moves: http://bit.ly/RbH6Ci @usasong
Can Our Social Media Behaviors Destroy Our Social Environment? http://bit.ly/QyQBIY @kristenlambTX
Screenwriting--there's no right way to write: http://bit.ly/RbHikS @gits
Email accounts for your identity as a writer: http://bit.ly/QyQHAs @kit_lit
How caffeine affects your creativity: http://bit.ly/Qz4x5Y @tannerc
Thoughts and Tips for Writing About Sex: http://bit.ly/Qz4Hu3 @wickerkat
Would You Let Readers Watch as You Write Your Book? http://bit.ly/RbVb2u @galleycat
Should you write with a collaborator? http://bit.ly/Qz4YgE @nickdaws
Does Publishing A Novel Change Your Life? http://bit.ly/RbVkD4 @NicholeBernier
Horror--the era of the found footage horror film: http://bit.ly/Qz5nj3
A Writing Taboo: Never Begin Your Story With Weather: http://bit.ly/RbVIl3 @woodwardkaren
Why Creativity Blocks Happen (and How to Overcome Them): http://bit.ly/Qz5w6d @lifehacker
How to speak publisher: E is for editor: http://bit.ly/Qz6Xl3 @annerooney
Pros and cons of pen names: http://bit.ly/Qz74gj @deanwesleysmith
James Bond and the Perils of Product Placement: http://bit.ly/Qz78g6 @davidgaughran
The elements of a successful pitch: http://bit.ly/Qz7iEl @novelrocket
10 non-writing-related ways to become a better writer: http://bit.ly/Qz7p2D @rachellegardner
10 Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Fight Settings: http://bit.ly/Qz7KCl @lbgale
What to Do When People Don't Get Your Story: http://bit.ly/NPmHDh @jodyhedlund
How to Show (Not Tell) Paranoia, Hope, and Other Moods: http://bit.ly/PWCo9G @joebunting
Explaining your story's world… and avoiding exposition: http://bit.ly/NPmYG9 @dirtywhitecandy
Use Setting and Background to Meet Reader Expectations: http://bit.ly/PWCQF1 @beth_barany
Ebook Formatting - The Hard Way: http://bit.ly/PWD13f @susankayequinn
6 Essential Tips for Getting Your Guest Posts Accepted: http://bit.ly/NPndB3
Horror in video games: http://bit.ly/PWQhor
Konrath's Self-Pub Sales Report: http://bit.ly/NPsEjn @jakonrath
The Death Of Genre: Drifting Toward A Post-Genre Future: http://bit.ly/PWSeRR @chuckwendig
The business-savvy writer has a good offense: http://bit.ly/NPtyfO @kristinerusch
How Many Spaces After a Period? http://bit.ly/PWSro2 @writersdigest
Using folklore to create a story: http://bit.ly/NPtCMD @genelempp
TMI Sentences: http://bit.ly/PWSHUf @aliciarasley
Writing Tip: Action! http://bit.ly/NPtMU5 @threekingsbooks
Have writer's block? Try something different: http://bit.ly/PWSZud @emergentpublish
Should You Use A Pen Name? http://bit.ly/QUKiQB @woodwardkaren
Ethical Roulette: http://bit.ly/Ri57rj @JAKonrath
6 Necessities for Your Blogged Book: http://bit.ly/Ri59zr @ninaamir
How One Writer's Social Hestitations Led to Something Great: http://bit.ly/Ri5eTB @khaledcallen
Advice on Writing Mentors: http://bit.ly/QUKEXl
How to write comics: agreements and collaboration: http://bit.ly/QUKTBR @79SemiFinalist
Serialising a novel--what to do when the show is over: http://bit.ly/Ri5ZMw @dirtywhitecandy
5 Things to Consider During Revisions: http://bit.ly/QULcwv
Every Writer Needs a Bio: http://bit.ly/Ri6oib @novelrocket
Engaging Readers Using Social Commentary in Ebooks: http://bit.ly/QULt2y @ddscottromcom
Intellectual Property Considerations for Writers: http://bit.ly/Ri6N3Y @thecreativepenn
Are You Making These 7 Book Marketing Mistakes? http://bit.ly/QULBz3 @JFBookman
10 Inspirational Disabled Characters From Sci-Fi And Fantasy: http://bit.ly/QULF1C @sfxmagazine
How to Take on Writer's Block like a Pro: http://bit.ly/OXI9HF @emilywenstrom
How to Choose When to Use Dialogue (and What Kind) in Your Fiction and Nonfiction: http://bit.ly/QImGOD
What's the best way to cover a speech? http://bit.ly/OXIkCM @michellerafter
Are "sock puppets" really that bad for the book business? http://bit.ly/QImTRV @paidcontent
There's no right way to write: http://bit.ly/OXIslA @gits
Less Distractions, More Writing: http://bit.ly/QImZZP
Applying Picture Book Wisdom to Longer Fiction: http://bit.ly/OXIBFG @annastanisz
4 tips for writing your personal story: http://bit.ly/OXIH07 @rachellegardner
Self-Publishing Basics - Publishing to iTunes: http://bit.ly/QInfZ1 @susankayequinn
Why Write Blog Posts Consistently? http://bit.ly/QInnHN @ava_jae
5 Tips To Help Improve Your Story's Pacing: http://bit.ly/OXJ0Ii
Dominate Your Personal Brand On Google With This 14 Point Checklist: http://bit.ly/OXJrCz
10 Best Closing Lines Of Novels: http://bit.ly/PMDG7E @xymarla
Writers Be-Wary: Electronic Distribution and Control of Creative Material: http://bit.ly/V9P940 @victoriastrauss
Writing in a child's voice: http://bit.ly/V9Q04P @SW_Messenger @angelaackerman
A legal blog for writers--publishing law and copyright counsel: http://bit.ly/PMEo4O @SheilaJLevine
When Do Writers Need Multiple Blogs? http://bit.ly/PgD1ZK @kristenlambTX
An editor reviews common manuscript issues she comes across: http://bit.ly/SLOt5N @behlerpublish
YA readers tell authors what they like to read: http://bit.ly/PgDo6o
30 Synonyms for "Meeting": http://bit.ly/SLOG94 @writing_tips
The 11 Biggest Lies Ever Told By Favorite Heroes and Villains: http://bit.ly/PgDwTC @i09
Is Your Work Day Filled With Unwanted Obligation or a Burning Desire to Improve? http://bit.ly/SLP2MJ @danblank
Novelists Seek Help Fighting Internet Addiction: http://bit.ly/PgDY4b @_thefix
What Should Indie Publishers Be Called? http://bit.ly/SLRJhm @deanwesleysmith
A closer look at new commercial models for publishing: http://bit.ly/PgGO9c @MikeShatzkin @Porter_Anderson
10 Excuses for Not Writing - and How to Smash Them: http://bit.ly/PgLcFd @KMWeiland
Fantasy Influences: Ancient Greek Mythology: http://bit.ly/PgLg8a @fantasyfaction
Thoughts on chapter breaks: http://bit.ly/PgLrA7
The Writer's Block Myth: http://bit.ly/SLX8VN @kkuseklewis
Chart a course to your dream: http://bit.ly/SLXgVf @sarahahoyt
Entries in the character trait thesaurus: just-- http://bit.ly/PgLWdD and modest--http://bit.ly/PgLWdE @angelaackerman
Conflict is Key: http://bit.ly/PgM78F @heidiwriter
5 Sentences That Should Save the Best Until Last: http://bit.ly/PgQL6P @writing_tips