Happy New Year! Hope everyone has a wonderful 2012 (with lots of writing in it!)
Below are the writing-related links I tweeted last week.
The Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine, designed by software engineer and writer Mike Fleming, makes all these links (now over 12,000) searchable. Sign up for the free monthly WKB newsletter for the web's best links and interviews:http://bit.ly/gx7hg1 .
Precede vs. Proceed: http://bit.ly/vTVDoB @writing_tips
3 Ways to Use YouTube to Drive Traffic to Your Website: http://bit.ly/unAD7X @smexaminer
Writing tip--write a bad book: http://bit.ly/tCdLms
How-to: Gift a Kindle Book: http://bit.ly/rDha8p
How to Host Guest Blogs while Building your Credibility: http://bit.ly/t0rdbL @freshome
How to Squeeze Writing Inspiration from a Stone: http://bit.ly/sDcORJ @JulieBMack
The Persistence of the Author Brand: http://bit.ly/vcqW4R @psexton1 for @writersdigest
The 99 cent debate: http://bit.ly/rIfNeG @selfpubreview
Fear of editors: http://bit.ly/tCnhC6
Fixing backstory infodumps: http://bit.ly/uvdjLu @sarahahoyt
Tips for perfecting your writer's voice: http://bit.ly/scghYa @rebeccaberto
4 Key Criteria to Build Your Dream Blog: http://bit.ly/tAjpmE @problogger
Procrastination: Myth, reality or your best friend in disguise? http://bit.ly/tpw7Zp @annerallen @RuthHarrisBooks
The Great Seductive and Often Fatal Temptation of the New Writer: http://bit.ly/v2fbwx @storyfix
Tips for showing emotion instead of telling it: http://bit.ly/vGtJ89 @Janice_Hardy
Setting goals for our writing--failure is an option, quitting isn't: http://bit.ly/sskkoh @DeanWesleySmith
4 tips for novelists: http://bit.ly/uoDojd @enwritened
Should Writers Create Their Own E-Book Covers? http://bit.ly/v8hVgh @nickdaws
Why writers can't edit themselves: http://bit.ly/uZycmr @JeffGoins
How to flunk social media: http://bit.ly/t1ST1b @justinemusk
25 Synonyms for "Story": http://bit.ly/tQO1DY @writing_tips
The Pros & Cons of KDP Select: http://bit.ly/tqS7u2 @PYOEbooks
How 1 novelist uses music for inspiration: http://bit.ly/shkdva @jenniecoughlin for @ByRozMorris
Preparing For Book Blog Tour As You Write Your Book: http://bit.ly/uY7wGJ @BryanThomasS
The nuts and bolts of indie publishing: http://bit.ly/uLa874 @cjlyonswriter
Put Adverbs in Their Place: http://bit.ly/trsIsm @writing_tips
Art of the Genre: What came first, the writer or the artist? http://bit.ly/uVKLWv @BlackGateDotCom
A writer and tax specialist on epub and taxes (US): http://bit.ly/vp5BBW @alisonpensy
Character Rants and Breakdowns—Let 'em Rip: http://bit.ly/toVMQd @NovelEditor
How to Write a Children's Book Based on Your Personal Struggles: http://bit.ly/vlnC1Y @KarenCV
Deadlines, and PR for Newbies: http://bit.ly/tRkInM @HunterFaith
Industry expert @JaneFriedman 's best writing tips for 2011: http://bit.ly/vCB6lT
Using history to inspire: lessons from festivals: http://bit.ly/vTBtyM @GeneLempp
Avoiding burnout when working toward writing goals: http://bit.ly/rtF6eE @PBRWriter
Start your book in the middle: http://bit.ly/sd8qA3 @sarahahoyt
Tips for non-fic writers who write in a crowded category: http://bit.ly/tCMZ3k @behlerpublish
[ Dear Loved One ]: I Am a Writer: http://bit.ly/vOZQOO @KSElliott_Shark for @krissybrady
Writing illness and medicine into our stories: http://bit.ly/s63q8d @JulietteWade
5 Resources for Crime Fiction Writers: http://bit.ly/rXkDiz @CAMorganti
How to Write Convincing Strong and Silent Types: http://bit.ly/vdghbp @KMWeiland
Setting the Scene for a Productive Day: http://bit.ly/tJGdUB @RealLifeE
The Resume Is Dead, The Bio Is King: the99percent.com/tips/7025/The-Resume-Is-Dead-The-Bio-Is-King @getstoried
Fixing Character Errors: http://bit.ly/t7rakV @HeatherMcCorkle
Tips for email promo of books: http://bit.ly/vdgMXM @selfpubreview
Tips for Scene Beginnings and Endings: http://bit.ly/t7iwI9 @jamesagard
Write Fiction? Why You Should Try a Short Story: http://bit.ly/rFEpGk @JamiGold
The Secret Life of Late Bloomer Sue Monk Kidd: http://bit.ly/vZvT0O @DebraEve
Growing Your Book – A Christmas Metaphor: http://bit.ly/tOw68x @authorguy
Did that Bad Review Come with a Side of Ulterior Motives? http://bit.ly/tbc3XK @selfpubreview
Get Back on the Writing Wagon: Here's How: http://bit.ly/uGk0c0 @SusannahFriis for @KrissyBrady
Using guilt as an element in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/v5j8SV @mkinberg
Series vs. Stand Alone: http://bit.ly/sZrkDZ @authorterryo
What Makes Word-of-Mouth Work? http://bit.ly/uX7LKd @robeagar for @writersdigest
15 Tricks & Tips to Get the Most of Kindle Store: http://bit.ly/uso2ya @ebookfriendly
The Word of the Year 2011: http://bit.ly/vVLRRg @writing_tips
Give Yourself A Break And Write What You Want: http://bit.ly/vCsV2m @MsTamarCohen for @/AmySueNathan
Guns in mysteries: How not to get it wrong. http://bit.ly/rVRS3E @wdchip11 for @junglereds
The Make Or Break Moment in Your Story: http://bit.ly/rFI2Yq @storyfix
Will There Ever Be A Universal, MP3-Like Standard For E-Books? http://bit.ly/vocsIW @copyrightandtec for @paidContent
The Point in Your Novel You Realize You Should Be a Baseball Star: http://bit.ly/sh71zl @C_Herringshaw
Targeted PR, Cross-Promotion, and Knowing Your Audience: http://bit.ly/uSiaSq @kalayna
Ways to handle backstory without dumping it: http://bit.ly/tZnxta @sarahahoyt
How to Choose the Best Method for Publishing Your Book: http://bit.ly/v3cj4k @JFBookman
The anatomy of a good hook: http://bit.ly/vcv5ZB @nataliecparker for @4kidlit
Authors: Don't Get Burned By Branding: http://bit.ly/vAXfC0 @ChuckWendig
13 picture book tips: http://bit.ly/vOg0Ve @Artzicarol
Dead Story Walking: http://bit.ly/vyeL5k @mooderino
Planning a book--reducing a book to a sheet of paper: http://bit.ly/sjO6FJ
Writing novellas: http://bit.ly/tI8vqR @davidwoodauthor for @thecreativepenn
The Ugly Side of SEO: http://bit.ly/tlHy4m @Blogussion
How to Format Reader-Friendly Headlines: http://bit.ly/v5byyM @writing_tips
The Elementary Life of a Sidekick: http://bit.ly/tOl8tv @AlexBledsoe for @tordotcom
Ebook pricing, golden age for writing, Amazon vs. the world: essential news from @Porter_Anderson for @JaneFriedman: http://bit.ly/v36x0V
Writing on the Ether's @Porter_Anderson features @Melissa_Foster @jenniecoughlin @naypinya @danielsm1 @scalzi @LeenaRao http://bit.ly/v36x0V
The 99-Cent Debate: How Do We Value Our Writing? http://bit.ly/ueN44E @Melissa_Foster
"Dear Readers: Publishers Think of You as Customers, I SWEAR": http://bit.ly/sDlOLe @Scalzi
2011 digital publishing timeline: http://bit.ly/slYinF @samatlounge for @thefuturebook
The ugly truth about consumer book reviews: part 1: http://bit.ly/u5HAVS and 2: http://bit.ly/tpeFeU @tglong for @IndieReader
The Dreaded Writer's Break: http://bit.ly/vMidUB
How to Entertain Readers with Your Words: http://bit.ly/shafG8 @Gaylordcat for @writeitsideways
10 Daring Predictions for 2012 from the Indie Author Trenches: http://bit.ly/tEQ6Q3 @bob_mayer
Tropes covering the origins of evil: http://bit.ly/vbccbv @tabeechey
How to Find the Meaning of Life through : http://bit.ly/ukhH8T @VictoriaMixon
Eliminating flabby book middles: http://bit.ly/tbEqYD @sarahahoyt
Publishers vs. Libraries: An E-Book Tug of War: http://bit.ly/uWtJNX @nytimes @PassiveVoiceBlg
5 Common Writing Hazards: http://bit.ly/sUmrgP @kristenlambTX
A story of rejection from @jakonrath: http://bit.ly/rLjvdT
Strong language in our writing: http://bit.ly/ruy98T @ashkrafton
Compound Words: 2 words, 3 choices: http://bit.ly/vyJu6B @HowToWriteShop
It's All About Accuracy: http://bit.ly/uhhFRM @writing_tips
When it comes to writing, "Done" is better than "Good": http://bit.ly/u4LWAS @Jhansenwrites
8 questions for writers: http://bit.ly/v0tMNZ
Top5 signs you're reading too much young adult literature: http://bit.ly/ssdDUg @mittenstrings
12 Google+ Marketing Tips From the Pros: http://bit.ly/uZQYuP @CindyKing
Memes for Writers: http://bit.ly/sYfKZ0 @Amanda_Hannah
Moving From Traditional Publishing To Indie: http://bit.ly/sAVOe4 @ornaross @thecreativepenn
Who Will Be the Next Generation of E-Readers? http://bit.ly/vdrYOP @TalliRoland
Start your New Year off on the right foot, and finish your literary puzzle with a promo plan: http://bit.ly/uNZJgH @behlerpublish
How using denial can improve our stories: http://bit.ly/vnkvJn @NovelEditor
Tension: A Valuable Tool: http://bit.ly/tdY1k4 @Ava_Jae
Essential components of your 1st 100 pages: http://bit.ly/uGhwcd @storyfix
The "Why" of Character Worksheets: http://bit.ly/rBLdvY @TheresaStevens
5 Audacious Goals Every Blogger Should Have for 2012: http://bit.ly/usiPew @AlexisGrant
How to mindmap your story: http://bit.ly/v4bWgk @DeeWhiteAuthor
How to Force a Story to Evolve: 6 Revision Tips: http://bit.ly/tS1XdE @JamiGold
What makes a debut novel different: http://bit.ly/vFUWmM @nicolamorgan for @cathryanhoward
Your Blogging Goals: What Are They? http://bit.ly/tzg0L5 @Blogussion
After the Glitter, Get Inspired: http://bit.ly/rD2OvP @plaingirlwriter
15 Top New Year's Reads For Writers: http://bit.ly/uiFJPN @BryanThomasS
Evoke vs. Invoke: http://bit.ly/tzVEiu @writing_tips
Setting a Yearly Writing Craft Goal: http://bit.ly/rEqWt8 @jamieraintree
Does your story's plot go in circles? A few fixes for loop-de-loop syndrome: http://bit.ly/viPc1o @sarahahoyt
Making Writing Resolutions that Stick: http://bit.ly/utcYdJ @diymfa
Don't fib to publishers about your platform: http://bit.ly/tl40NP @behlerpublish
The Writer's Journey: http://bit.ly/vKeAjl
Mr. Darcy's Guide to Wooing Women: http://bit.ly/utINhU @readingape
'Unstuck,' An App For Setting Writing Goals: http://bit.ly/rAm2jw @ebooknewser
5 Alternatives to Hyphenating Phrasal Adjectives: http://bit.ly/rp7cPq @writing_tips
How memoir writer turned to music to help her recreate her feelings for her book: http://bit.ly/uk1EBp @cathryanhoward for @byRozMorris
Shifting Goals in This New World of Publishing: http://bit.ly/uHo2F7 @deanwesleysmith
The 10 Commandments of a Successful Author: http://bit.ly/u5fMxs @roniloren
Are You Choosing the Right Words for Your Story's Tone? http://bit.ly/uKn03B @KMWeiland
Good and bad foreshadowing: http://bit.ly/uxZCU1 @SarahHoyt
7 ways 1 author got on the Amazon bestsellers lists: http://bit.ly/vhs9gv @beth_barany
Mapmaking for fantasy authors: http://bit.ly/urwlt8 @tabeechey
Moms, Writing, and Guilt: Do You Get In Your Own Way? http://bit.ly/swKGkI @AmySueNathan
Tips for using similes and metaphors: http://bit.ly/uVYV9u @Artzicarol
Why Traditional Marketing Doesn't Sell Books: http://bit.ly/rZXY2h @KristenLambTX
Writing Quickly: A Secret Strategy: http://bit.ly/tNX7L5 @Ava_Jae
How to Incorporate Backstory That Hooks The Reader: http://bit.ly/vCvZut @lkblackburne
Old contracts are being dusted off and language scrutinized: http://bit.ly/s6fXCm @PassiveVoiceBlg
Evoking a sense of wonder in readers: http://bit.ly/uMGGj4 @mlmjr1 for @HP4Writers
Using mirrored scenes in books and series: http://bit.ly/sEuw9A @HP4Writers
Wordsmithing: Go For It: http://bit.ly/t7jzjX @WomenWriters
How to Use Holidays in Our Writing: http://bit.ly/uqwFiV @JamiGold
When do you trunk a story? http://bit.ly/tRFaMf @JulietteWade
1 writer/illustrator's plan for regaining control of the clock: http://bit.ly/u0p4rR @inkyelbows
4 ways your protagonist can learn the truth: http://bit.ly/uQGvp6 @jammer0501
Book Marketing Tips From Amazon's Bestselling Self-Published Ebooks Of 2011: http://bit.ly/uh2Mgw @thecreativepenn