5 things to know about NaNoWriMo before you start it: http://bit.ly/tUC4V6 @LTWFblog
Why a 1st Draft is Like a Day at the Farm: http://bit.ly/w1UXEf @JillKemerer
Questions that helped 1 writer during revisions: http://bit.ly/rM2Kt8
A Tortured Path to Writing and Cartooning: http://bit.ly/vXBrHS
When you feel out of place, write: http://bit.ly/rQwrQX @write_practice
Try tracking your circadian cycle to see when you should write: http://bit.ly/rZ7v51 @bookviewcafe
Know the difference between meaningful soc. media interaction & spam: http://bit.ly/rTfCxn @WriteAngleBlog
How often should writers blog? http://bit.ly/tao421 @JodyHedlund
The Secret to Effortless Writing: http://bit.ly/sLKBpv @JeffGoins
Chick Lit vs. Women's Fiction: http://bit.ly/roHjrh @RoniLoren @sierragodfrey
The difference between bad press releases & good publicity requests: http://bit.ly/sTJhYb @JaneFriedman
How to nip procrastination in the bud: http://bit.ly/vNmpZU @workawesome
7 habits of successful writers: http://bit.ly/tus3ic @BTMargins
Adding Suspense To Your Post-Apocoalyptic (or any!) Novel: http://bit.ly/rvzqVM @elanaj
Thanks @druannlove ! Book Giveaway: Hickory Smoked Homicide by Riley Adams aka @elizabethscraig http://wp.me/p3nHH-1w2 /
How to Sell Low-Cost Subscriptions to Short Stories: http://bit.ly/sjN8Hp @JaneFriedman
How to Write Like a Cheesy Halloween Movie: http://bit.ly/uXXZhL @JeffGoins
Plot Building for the Character Driven Writer: http://bit.ly/tiA313 @RoniLoren
Tips for adjusting to critique group changes: http://bit.ly/s6zC0z @PBRWriter
Are Ambiguous Endings Powerful or Frustrating? http://bit.ly/tqVBLH @writeitsideways
What Makes a Good Setting: http://bit.ly/vQ63Nt @Janice_Hardy
There are benefits to letting the door swing shut on gore in our books: http://bit.ly/rC9zTF
Writing fears: http://bit.ly/t1McCs @donnacooner
Scary book writing moments--they happen to us all: http://bit.ly/tHT683
The level of truth in our fiction: http://bit.ly/sasan7 @AmySueNathan
1 writer has changed the prices on her ebooks: http://bit.ly/rOkRAj @SelenaKitt
Words of Writing Wisdom from E.B. White: http://bit.ly/u0KYqY @LindaGray_
The Wall Street Journal To Lauch eBook Best Seller Lists: http://bit.ly/vuXXgg @ebooknewser
Thanks so much, @InkyElbows ! Inkygirl Golden Cupcake Award: Writer's Knowledge Base:http://bit.ly/vp5lzC
Creative Ways To Capture Research Notes: http://bit.ly/uQ1Sjn @DaxMacGregor
The Changing Model of Publishing: http://bit.ly/tTSIXj @greyhausagency
Hunting the wild subplot: http://bit.ly/rKgH81 @sarahahoyt
Beware of Creepy, Lurking Hackers: http://bit.ly/rv950L
10 Demographic Names and Expressions: http://bit.ly/vlijIP
Candid Writing: Break Your Own Heart: http://bit.ly/trS9E5 @BTMargins
Chapter transitions and story drive: http://bit.ly/sHyGIX @JulietteWade
How to Cut the Fat from Your WIP: http://bit.ly/rzrDJO @novelrocket
9 Tips on Opening Lines & Opening Chapters: http://bit.ly/rJjBVp
5 Things Paratrooping Can Teach You About Self-Publishing: http://bit.ly/vhDhPU @TheCreativePenn
When you need to leave your agent: http://bit.ly/uvbaTq @RachelleGardner
Nanowrimo: Elements of Act Two, Part 2: http://bit.ly/rRgott @AlexSokoloff
Nanowrimo: Elements of Act Two, Part 2: http://bit.ly/rRgott @AlexSokoloff
8 Things That Can Push a Group Over to the Dark Side: http://bit.ly/uVNyVi @AnneRAllen
Style Blunders in Fiction: http://bit.ly/t41FUA @DPLyleMD
10 Fear Busters for Writers: http://bit.ly/uMyvMB @KMWeiland
3 Common Comma Conundrums Resolved: http://bit.ly/tCLWb3 @keligwyn
Author Blogging 101: Up With Comments: http://bit.ly/rv6Q0M @JFBookman
How To Get Feedback On Your Novel That Will Actually Help: http://bit.ly/sW8Rtn @BubbleCow
4 Tips for Hiring an Editor: http://bit.ly/tuqZls
How to set up an affiliate account with Barnes & Noble thru LinkShare: http://bit.ly/vU5Uk5 @HowToWriteShop
Learning to Call It "Good Enough" So You Can Grow As a Writer: http://bit.ly/td5h49 @jodycalkins
The heroism of writing: http://bit.ly/slRhiN @BookEmDonna
Bolster Your Creative Output by Activating Your "Red Zone": http://bit.ly/tkje7t @the99percent
NaNo Prep: Planning Your Novel's Ending: http://bit.ly/sAXWko @Janice_Hardy
The key to a synopsis is to forget your book: http://bit.ly/sxZAIs @nicolamorgan
Self-Publishing: A Tale of Two Cities: http://bit.ly/t1Kh6y Wall St. Journal via @PassiveVoiceBlg
Good and bad repetition in our novels: http://bit.ly/vNCYR1 @JHansenWrites
Why 1 writer doesn't use DRM on ebooks: http://bit.ly/ucmYHA @avantman42 via @JFBookman
Macro-Revision: Take It One Piece at a Time: http://bit.ly/tdkDPM @THahnBurkett
NaNoWriMo success tips: http://bit.ly/u77uyI @GoblinWriter
How to write when you aren't in the mood: http://bit.ly/tbnJJS @CherylRWrites
How to Avoid Parenting Your Characters: http://bit.ly/sFtL3l @WritersDigest
Are There More Writers Than Readers? http://bit.ly/uaXTH3 @JodyHedlund
5 Ways Barnes & Noble's New Nook Could Compete With The Kindle Fire: http://bit.ly/vXqrMx @paidContent
Author Finds Flaws In Kindle Auto Pricing: http://bit.ly/rQW6CD @ebooknewser
Websites that review indie authors: http://bit.ly/vMgWTh @dirtywhitecandy
Where do characters come from? 4 places 1 writer finds them: http://bit.ly/sqTT1h @JoanSwan
Thanks, @JoanSwan for hosting me today--& for the comment-to-win giveway: http://bit.ly/sqTT1h
Tips for tight writing: http://bit.ly/v8opCZ @LynnetteLabelle
Tips for Scoring the Book Review, Guest Post or Interview: http://bit.ly/tlO1L5 @KristenLambTX
Is Your Blog Skimable? 6 Easy Fixes to Help Readers Actually Read: http://bit.ly/uwtu3H @MarianSchembari
Quick Way To Improve Your Twitter Profile To Sell More Books: http://bit.ly/rBg0Dw @BubbleCow
Common Grammatical Mishaps: http://bit.ly/v32F3R @danyelleleafty
It's the digital age. But Amazon Publishing hasn't killed print yet. http://bit.ly/txg72U @laurahazardowen
An agent answers a question about query formatting: http://bit.ly/vnvOul @Kid_Lit
Conflict in romance: http://bit.ly/rWjnE9 @pprmint777
Romantic relationships in fantasy: http://bit.ly/t3CD3P @FantasyFaction
17 tips for writing fiction: http://bit.ly/uv8Mbc
When's the Right Time to Leave Your Big Six Publisher? http://bit.ly/uoqp23 @JaneFriedman
Blind spots that derail writers: http://bit.ly/tRdT4F @bob_mayer
Warning Signs For Large Publishers In August AAP Figures: http://bit.ly/uWp8pb @DavidGaughran
Building conflict in your novel: http://bit.ly/thMkW2 @NovelRocket
35 Troublesome Irregular Verbs: http://bit.ly/uttRh4
How not to end things: http://bit.ly/tFjHA5 @BTMargins
What catches 1 agent's interest in an initial query: http://bit.ly/rU0FeK @greyhausagency
Interesting wrap-up of the Books in Browsers conference: http://bit.ly/uqZlNT @EdNawotka #publishing
Writing A Series: 7 Continuation Issues To Avoid: http://bit.ly/sdTfnE @TheCreativePenn
A writer explains how she organizes her 3 ring writer's notebook: http://bit.ly/uQ2a53 @JulieMusil
NaNoWriMo Tip: Use the Reference Desk: http://bit.ly/ttCe40 @GalleyCat
Keywording 201-- SEO for writers: http://bit.ly/ugQCkc @emacphe
Why 1 writer selectively follows on Twitter (& why she weeds some people out): http://bit.ly/vzfFcU @NinaBadzin
Recording Audiobooks: Tales from the Padded Room: http://bit.ly/s4ctcE
Examples in crime fiction of authors who struggled to find their character's voice: http://bit.ly/rz2hNT @Mkinberg
10 tips for author branding: http://bit.ly/rVPiks @authorterryo
Catch up with this week's #publishing buzz--conferences, transmedia, & Amazon--with @Porter_Anderson for @JaneFriedman: http://bit.ly/tvI3KY
Building Your Web Presence for Authors: SEO Blogging Tips for Fun and Profit: http://bit.ly/soc2Ph @CuriosityQuills
Amazon Lending Library Available To Prime Members: http://bit.ly/rOrGG6 @ebooknewser
The Publishing Biz: Will it Break You? http://bit.ly/ucps7V
Profanity in writing: http://bit.ly/vCxHGz
Your character's actions during dialogue are important to your story: http://bit.ly/rY8BE6 @BryanThomasS
Writing and Editing Skills Critical for Entry-Level Writers: http://bit.ly/uhGxiP
The Digital Dilemma for Picture Book Publishers: http://bit.ly/umBMBz @birtle
Revising Your Novel Part 2: Character Arcs: http://bit.ly/siY7GT @LaurHarrington
How to make a 70% royalty on a 99-cent Kindle ebook: http://bit.ly/sOBHWj @rule17
How do I balance family & writing? Sometimes not very well. :) My interview with @mybookishways today: http://bit.ly/tBHeww
9 tips for writing at home: http://bit.ly/tLqPts
The $0.99 Book Price -- Is it Making or Breaking You? http://bit.ly/vfSFYD @billsonskinner
The Future is Indie: http://bit.ly/v8Rn2c @DavidGaughran
A Writer's Number One Enemy: http://bit.ly/uzeHIN @JodyHedlund
A free directory of ebook pros--for covers, editing, formatting, & more: http://tinyurl.com/3mxg5zt
Tips for writing in deep POV: http://bit.ly/ut64rW
Choosing between independent publishers: http://bit.ly/rAnFg4 @FantasyFaction
Tips for creating your own ebook cover: http://bit.ly/u5ca1s @calistataylor for @WriteAngleBlog
5 Reasons You Should Write Like a Speed Demon: http://bit.ly/w07Ue7 @pubcoach for @FriesenPress
NaNoWriMo tip: Make a Mind Map: http://bit.ly/tq585F @GalleyCat
How to make a button for your blog: http://bit.ly/tAHrfG @alchemyofscrawl
Problems and Opportunities with Kindle's Automatic Pricing: http://bit.ly/uMlT5I @selfpubreview
7 Ways to Fake It at Book Club: http://bit.ly/ueYVEX @bookriot via @PassiveVoiceBlg
How much worldbuilding should you include in your story? http://bit.ly/rAXHov @HP4Writers
The blogging cycle--how do you stay sane? http://bit.ly/tCKs5k @JamiGold
A life in writing--P.D. James (Guardian): http://bit.ly/sN31Yi
Rowling admits she considered killing Ron Weasley (Chicago Tribune): http://trib.in/vQeqge
The ups and downs of snowboarding and writing: http://bit.ly/trcuMe @Kerrie_Flanagan
Meet the Reader: The (Real) Rules of Screenwriting: http://bit.ly/w4oLZd @scriptmag
The New Midlist Writers: http://bit.ly/rM55Eb
Are Social Media Sites the New Slush Pile? http://bit.ly/tTUdw6 @pubperspectives
Tips to help you reverse direction in your story: http://bit.ly/srqlFZ @DonMaass
Different ways to hook your reader: http://bit.ly/vd5j2v @Janice_Hardy
Avoiding Common Ebook Errors: http://bit.ly/u1psxU @PassiveVoiceBlg
For NaNo--Writing Advice From History's Fastest, Most Prolific Authors: http://bit.ly/uxNd8M @TheAtlantic
How to Use Psychometric Testing to Create Believable Characters: http://bit.ly/uliaca
Interesting plot generator to brainstorm with: http://bit.ly/rWAHf5
A variety of tips on the writing craft: http://bit.ly/sofyXW @BTMargins
Crafting a great chapter 1: http://bit.ly/smfvSB
Adding conflict to your story: http://bit.ly/vdZ0dS
How People-Watching Makes You a Better Writer: http://bit.ly/sQySW6 @writeitsideways
Writing prompt resources: http://bit.ly/tB3Y5Q @CherylRWrites
Anonymous Employees Share Thoughts about Working at Amazon: http://bit.ly/t5n3MX @galleycat
Why You Should Tell the Ugly Parts of Your Story: http://bit.ly/uEalqn @JeffGoins
50 Words with the Most Whimsical Prefix: http://bit.ly/u2BKt4
The art of the novel: http://nyti.ms/vHt9AM (NY Times)
Writing--before & after technology & before & after baby: http://bit.ly/v6pz55 @annemazer
Sometimes our stories have seeds of doubt--it's up to us to turn the soil: http://bit.ly/vF3zz2
Top techniques for ebook promo, pricing, & long term sales: http://bit.ly/ss9U0m for @TheCreativePenn
How to Get Great Endorsements that Sell Books: http://bit.ly/rKLcs7 @TonyEldridge
The Benefits of Book Reviewing: http://bit.ly/u4Udxg @lydia_sharp
Tips for developing your writing voice: http://bit.ly/sS52sU @KristenLambTX
Ghostwriting: Does It Matter If You Don't Get The Credit? http://bit.ly/uuDUp4 @shurleyhall
Why Bloggers Should Be Stalkable: http://bit.ly/w3aPqu @charissaweaks
5 Ways to Stay Motivated While Writing a Novel: http://bit.ly/sU8JHo @nathanbransford
Speaker Tips for Authors: http://bit.ly/uuMjxN @sparrowgrp for @Bookgal
50 Quick, Dirty, and Cheap Ways to Improve Your Social Media Presence: http://bit.ly/vkKGT2 @smartwoman
11 Ways to Improve your Writing: http://bit.ly/urCf6G @soulofaword
6 reasons to keep writing: http://bit.ly/unNQLI @woodwardkaren