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Below are the writing-related links I tweeted last week.
The Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine, designed by software engineer and writer Mike Fleming, makes all these links searchable. Sign up for the free monthly WKB newsletter for the web's best links and interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1 .
Recent news: the 3rd book in the Memphis Barbeque series will release November 1—Hickory Smoked Barbeque (available now for preorder).
iPads as writing tools for authors – resources: http://bit.ly/nWkfn4 @rogercparker
Facebook security updates – how to make your account more secure: http://bit.ly/pq2Uv0 @eset
5 Things You Should Never Do in Epic Fantasy: http://bit.ly/nVPY4O @AISFPpodcast
Book Promotion: Show, Don't Tell: http://bit.ly/r2ymAc @pitchuniversity
Why 1 writer is betting on the Kindle for self-publishing: http://bit.ly/pH5Zg0 @shurleyhall
The agent's view--the thrilling world of pitching: http://bit.ly/qDhJGq @jennybent
On Writing Well: Repetition: http://bit.ly/qHUNCK
Am I providing enough information for the reader to get into the story immediately? http://bit.ly/pTahge @Janice_Hardy
Stare Down Your Limiting Beliefs: http://bit.ly/qqcLMs @storyfix
Why Writers Should Get Over Pop Music: http://bit.ly/ofe8rf @Porter_Anderson
Publishing--the worst business in the world: http://bit.ly/poXffC @bentarnoff
Publish the Way You Want. Ignore the Dinosaurs: http://bit.ly/rqEGuw @ireadiwrite
On worldbuilding--Vamps with a pulse: http://bit.ly/pf7HqO @kalayna
A writer's thoughts on critique groups: http://bit.ly/oylL42 @AlexSokoloff
Top 20 Free Book Apps of the Week: http://bit.ly/qZvFRD @ebooknewser
Politics in Fantasy: http://bit.ly/pJEAzt @FantasyFaction
Talking mysteries--my interview with @VictoriaMixon: http://bit.ly/oWfZye
How to write fiction--the importance of plot: http://bit.ly/phureI (Guardian--Kate Moss)
Pros and Cons of E-publishing: http://bit.ly/pXWJcl
Short fiction and the subway theory of reading: http://bit.ly/pEqo7y @40kBooks
Should you tie up all the ends when you type 'The End'? http://bit.ly/mWMRHo @DirtyWhiteCandy
6 Prescriptions to Cure the Heartbreak of Being Published: http://bit.ly/pDyN5c @annerallen
All about flash fiction and tips for writing it: http://bit.ly/oOS12s @BTMargins
5 Elements of a Resonant Closing Line: http://bit.ly/mXWt8S @KMWeiland
Do you use superpowers in your story? Tips to keep them from getting stale: http://bit.ly/oULot2
Why 1 writer might stop self-pubbing paperbacks: http://bit.ly/mUxMgs @cathryanhoward
What's wrong with a readable book? http://bit.ly/oBevIU @TorontoStar
A useful resource for describing settings, emotions, shapes, textures, and more: http://bit.ly/eIGRMO @AngelaAckerman
For literary inspiration follow @AdviceToWriters. Jon Winokur dispenses writerly wisdom of the ages.
Harness the power of resentment: http://bit.ly/rbNj4T @storyfix
List of Words that Sparkle! Jazz up your Writing/Pitch/Synopsis: http://bit.ly/okByTw @veiledvirtues
Using 'they' for third-person singular: http://bit.ly/pKN2tr @VictoriaMixon
10 Best-Selling Books That Were Originally Rejected: http://bit.ly/qBPxZ4 @flavorpill
6 Ways to Become More Self-Motivated: http://bit.ly/p1ElC3 @aliventures
Why 1 writer believes in fiction: http://bit.ly/rj2kbJ @WriterNancyJane
What late-blooming writers can learn from Edgar Rice Burroughs (creator of Tarzan): http://bit.ly/q5AD2o @Later_Bloomer
The craft of coffeehouse reading: http://bit.ly/pxb1ik @SherryIsaac for @JoanSwan
The Difference between Steampunk & Gaslamp Fantasy: http://bit.ly/pPQXTH @LiaKeyes
Plot points from a pantster: http://bit.ly/qCK5LB
For writing parents--The Guardian's series on reading with kids: http://bit.ly/phrGkt
Governance and the Not-for-profit Publisher: http://bit.ly/pWi6jg @scholarlykitchn
Cover Art Development for a Romance Novel: http://bit.ly/qsddHl @JoanSwan
Story Structure Dos & Don'ts: http://bit.ly/r5e52X @galleycat
Keep scenes dramatic by knowing what to narrate and what to summarize: http://bit.ly/q6aaeA @Edittorrent
Sharpen your story's hook: http://bit.ly/nQ33Vx @storyfix
Preparing to be a published author: http://bit.ly/puERAF @RachelleGardner
Top 5 Reasons You Should Do NaNoWriMo This Year: http://bit.ly/oeXfAP @MuseInks
Top 8 Tactics to Power Your Online Book Launch: http://bit.ly/orfW38 @JFBookman
You Don't Have To Be An Expert To Self Publish On The Kindle: http://bit.ly/rtWRZL @BubbleCow
Google Plus as a Storytelling Platform: http://bit.ly/pTbWuJ @ChrisBrogan
Protecting Yourself From Yucky People (Social Account Security): http://bit.ly/pjTDfy
How to write fiction: MJ Hyland on revising and rewriting (Guardian): http://bit.ly/p5kF1t
Writing advice--Voice: http://bit.ly/nP9KcN @author_sullivan
Why is dystopia so appealing to young adults? (Guardian): http://bit.ly/qCfxtX
6 Things NOT to Put in Your YA Novel: http://bit.ly/rt4nhP @mrsctyler
Why 1 writer hates heists in genre: http://bit.ly/mSb7uD @tordotcom
The Shrinking Orphan Works Problem: http://bit.ly/oJXjId @scholarlykitchn
3 Tips for Consistent Tone: http://bit.ly/opXnGs @writersdigest
The Future of Self-Improvement: Grit Is More Important Than Talent: http://bit.ly/nfR1D8 @jkglei
Why Writers Should Embrace Amazon's Takeover of Publishing (New Republic): http://bit.ly/qJWNqW @ruth_franklin via @PassiveVoiceBlg
Good intentions in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/qUALWr @mkinberg
Moral ambiguity in crime fiction novels: http://bit.ly/n4lvBO @mkinberg
Music inspires and @Porter_Anderson has some atmospheric ideas & a site with free streaming: http://bit.ly/vztOJh
What makes writing mysteries so interesting? My interview with @VictoriaMixon: http://bit.ly/oWfZye
An agent on simultaneous submissions: http://bit.ly/t8avl5 @RachelleGardner
5 Rules About Conjunctive Adverbs: http://bit.ly/sloJXr
Change for writers--how do we know we've changed? http://bit.ly/u2xFsp
10 tips for effective research trips: http://bit.ly/tPzC2e
More than Five Senses: Writing with Visceral Impact: http://bit.ly/v5cB9X @lucymonroe
Writing Tip: Get In Late, Get Out Early: http://bit.ly/uRRGGd @BryanThomasS
Want a satisfying ending for readers? Include resonance in your story: http://bit.ly/snm7aI @VictoriaMixon
Tips for writing a synopsis: http://bit.ly/sFd736 @JaneFriedman
8 tips for slicing through the research jungle: http://bit.ly/seYdu1 @JulieMusil
4 tips for continuing your story's pace during its 2nd act: http://bit.ly/vF9HVk @Mommy_Authors
How to Write Your Bio for a Byline or Query: http://bit.ly/vF5auv @writeitsideways
4 lies the internet tells you about writing: http://bit.ly/vxY34Z @jammer0501
The Non-Transitional Transition: http://bit.ly/tQHyfX @editorrent
Smart ways to use Twitter lists: http://bit.ly/uWWo5d @alexisgrant
Find musical inspiration on Q2--a 24-hour free online stream of contemporary classical music: http://bit.ly/uX8cqp via @Porter_Anderson
Writing Short Stories or Articles with a Fantastical Twist: http://bit.ly/vQh71l
A Checklist for Eliminating Unnecessary Prose: http://bit.ly/vif7US @CherylRWrites
A Small Press Implodes: The Inside Story of Aspen Mountain Press: http://bit.ly/rSwc9q @VictoriaStrauss
Tips for good plot flow: http://bit.ly/uyznf0 @jamesagard
The Amazon Question: Blind Faith vs. Reality: http://bit.ly/uCMKXw @behlerpublish
Sometimes writers stand in their own way: http://bit.ly/t9INEH
How to Get Guest Posts on Big Name Blogs: http://bit.ly/rsrIo4 @OllinMorales
Tips for successful blogging for writers: http://bit.ly/tWYUka @Blogussion
The Agent-Author Relationship Is A Team Affair: http://bit.ly/sul656 @greyhausagency
Royalty Reporting Systems – Garbage In/Garbage Out: http://bit.ly/sErO24 @PassiveVoiceBlg
Take a Break from Blogging without Losing Your Audience: http://bit.ly/rwwjdj @JeffGoins
How to Plot Your Writing Time During the Month of November: http://bit.ly/vZ0eHK @plotwhisperer
Commas…To Avoid Confusion: http://bit.ly/tP0Faz @FantasyFaction
Author Blogging 101: 11 Reasons Your Blog Isn't Working: http://bit.ly/uKE0cj @JFBookman
Several options for designing ebook covers: http://bit.ly/rxdQc7 @PYOEbooks
How to Be Creative When You Are Busy: http://bit.ly/uJETnO @write_practice
A Strategy for Introducing Your Hero: http://bit.ly/t9prf7 @storyfix
106 Excuses That Prevent You From Ever Becoming Great: http://bit.ly/s9rVIH @ChrisBrogan
An agent recommends that novelists stop branding themselves: http://bit.ly/vqZwPg @RachelleGardner
5 Tips for Styling Numbers: http://bit.ly/ulULqo
Tips for improving your story: http://bit.ly/vUncmT @StoryMeBad @TheCreativePenn
Some Tough Love for Authors on Rights: http://bit.ly/svlLKI @scholarlykitchn
Why 1 writer is now selling his books primarily on Amazon and not his website: http://bit.ly/vzUKfv @rule17
Literary references in crime fiction: http://bit.ly/vGKNKb @mkinberg
The Dark Side of Metrics–Writer Friend or Ticket to Crazy Town? http://bit.ly/t0C6MZ @KristenLambTX
The end--wrapping up your stories: http://bit.ly/vnEMKM @FantasyFaction
3 Tips for Writing Paranormals: http://bit.ly/ua74dg @RoniLoren
How Digital Became the Self-Publishing Beacon of Hope for Comics: http://bit.ly/svbQbw @WesleyCGreen
The timing of payments from different self-pub venues: http://bit.ly/tqhZHP via @PassiveVoiceBlg
3 Tips for Writing When the Words Won't Come: http://bit.ly/tBZr2W @keligwyn
12 fiction writing checklists: http://bit.ly/vpe6ZZ
How to write tight prose: http://bit.ly/vaTDiH @LynnetteLabelle
The Dilemma of Coaching Yourself: http://bit.ly/sbQi4p @jkglei
Turn Your Novel into a Literary Destination: http://bit.ly/un92TS @catewoods
How To Make People Fall In Love With Grammar: An Interview With Grammar Girl: http://bit.ly/rrTgtw @OllinMorales
An Experiment in Serial Fiction and Self-Publication: http://bit.ly/trata2 @selfpubreview
Stuck? Borrow Techniques from Popular Authors: http://bit.ly/tWszzL @ProcrastWriter
5 things you need to know about Kindle Format 8 (KF8), Amazon's new ebook format: http://bit.ly/v4Q6Ta @rule17
How to Make a Book Trailer with Your Phone: http://bit.ly/tMQ6kX @GalleyCat
NaNo Prep: Planning Your Novel: http://bit.ly/ucQqQm @Janice_Hardy
Strive to make *every* novel a thriller with quality : http://bit.ly/vziY5U @NakedEditor @JHansenWrites
How To Use Your Blog To Sell Your Self Published Book: http://bit.ly/sZtDEh @BubbleCow
Opening for a Distinct Purpose and a Specific Reader: http://bit.ly/vuz8fu
Content as Commodity — Price Elasticity and New Business Models: http://bit.ly/sPSfDa @scholarlykitchn
WordPress Plug-Ins: The Bare Essentials: http://bit.ly/uxrqdF @JaneFriedman
The latest installment of @GeneLempp 's series on archaeology, mythology & human history artifacts to design stories: http://bit.ly/vokZOM
Indie Publishing's Impact on Independent Publishing: http://bit.ly/sP3ZCP @selfpubreview
17 Twitter Marketing Tips From the Pros: http://bit.ly/sSG9Nr @smexaminer
Serialization: A Timely Return for the Digital Age? http://bit.ly/tLX3e2 @thedavidwwright
5 Biggest Mistakes Writers Make About Lawyers: http://bit.ly/vlG6Vm @DearAuthor
e-Book Cover File Size Specifications: http://bit.ly/u6ow9s @JFBookman
Publishing debates--should we take sides? http://bit.ly/s8xbiN @JamiGold
Tips for writing climaxes: http://bit.ly/rK6OZn @lisagailgreen
An Insiders Look At What Books Are Selling: http://bit.ly/voVE9K
Author Blogging 101: Presenting Your Content: http://bit.ly/vFHBJf @JFBookman
Characters and instant conflict: http://bit.ly/t1yD24 @LauraPauling
Why Every Writer Needs As Much Editing As Possible: http://bit.ly/sWbRdz @JodyHedlund
Is an 80% ebook world for straight text really in sight? http://bit.ly/v8Sx8D @MikeShatzkin
Is Self-Publishing Giving People A Misconception Of Publishing? http://bit.ly/rOla6v @greyhausagency
A few tools to help you escape the emotional cycle of writing: http://bit.ly/ttjWiz @write_practice
Using Social Networking to Promote Your Event: http://bit.ly/sZNW30
Catch up with this week's publishing buzz--platforms, metrics, & Amazon--with @Porter_Anderson for @JaneFriedman: http://bit.ly/ukWOuF
Best Articles This Week for Writers 10/28/11: http://bit.ly/vcjt09 @4kidlit
E-book pricing – dart, meet bull's eye: http://bit.ly/v0iBXU @behlerpublish
Creativity Tweets of the Week – 10/28/11: http://bit.ly/uVk0mp @on_creativity
How To Keep Yourself Grounded When Writing Away From Home: http://bit.ly/ruRkpC @ollinmorales
Self-Published Authors Have Great Power, But Are They Taking Responsibility? http://bit.ly/tT1EHz @JaneFriedman
Copyright Is People: http://bit.ly/sfEBnh @michaelcapobian @VictoriaStrauss
Are Successful Writers Just Lucky? http://bit.ly/vpDJdn @KristenLambTX
How to Write a Year's Worth of Posts in 30 Days: http://bit.ly/rZjTPG @kellykingman
Chris Van Allsburg on Picture Book Writing: http://bit.ly/th3FNA @GalleyCat
The complete and unabridged guide to GoodReads for authors: http://bit.ly/skO9kJ @novelpublicity via @PassiveVoiceBlg
How to Carve a Library Lion in Your Halloween Pumpkin: http://bit.ly/rCRKdZ @GalleyCat