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Here are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter in the last week.
I’m delighted that now we have an efficient method of locating resources on writing topics when you need them—via the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine and software engineer and writer Mike Fleming’s ingenuity. The links I tweet (which are writers’ blogs, agents’ and editors’ blogs) all are added to the engine to make it easier for you to access the information you’re looking for.
Interested in a monthly newsletter with the top writing articles, blogger spotlights, and interviews with industry insiders? Sign up for the free WKB newsletter here: http://hiveword.com/wkb/newsletter. (You can unsubscribe at any time, and your email information is never shared.)
Last month's WKB newsletter featuring an interview with @p2p_editor editor Jason Black: http://bit.ly/g5MRDe
How one author was able to get objective about her work and get published: http://bit.ly/gjJdrF
10 tips for an effective blog sidebar: http://bit.ly/g12KvQ
Expanded Story Elements Checklist: http://bit.ly/hfH9hH
The Future of Self-Publishing Services: http://bit.ly/f4nOfs
The Path to Productivity: Short Hours, More Breaks: http://bit.ly/h4PjjM
The magic of the 1st draft: http://bit.ly/hhvvh2 @storiestorm
Why Pen Names Suck & Can Make Us Crazy: http://bit.ly/gxxG8M
When Good Characters Do Thoughtless Things: http://bit.ly/hDbAOQ
5 Tips for Being Found by Your Readers: http://bit.ly/eHQErf
10 Reasons Someone Else’s Novel Shouldn’t Have Been Published: http://bit.ly/h0YvB1
Writing past our weaknesses and why we should do it: http://bit.ly/gS1laf
Go-to writing books: http://bit.ly/dZAvRV
Changing the world one word at a time: http://bit.ly/fTRk4P
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Frugal and Healthy II: Black Bean Chilaquiles http://bit.ly/fv4JKw @CleoCoyle
Self-Publishing Bang for the Buck: http://bit.ly/gMA06O
The End of the Affair--Your Novel Doesn't Love You Anymore: http://bit.ly/hgHh4f
An exercise for writing vivid characters: http://bit.ly/gCi3dX
5 Ways To Threaten Your Protagonist: http://bit.ly/i1JLIX @ajackwriting
Tips for slicing and dicing your manuscript: http://bit.ly/dLR80m @juliemusil
Creativity Tweets of the Week — 3/25/11: http://bit.ly/erxcEw
5 Principles for Generating Ideas: http://bit.ly/hoM0FD
Style Sheets: An Editorial Tool: http://bit.ly/hSJTvn
Writing Theory -- The Monomyth Part 6: http://bit.ly/eoIuA7
6 Core Analogies for the 6 Core Competencies: http://bit.ly/iaFUJr
Best Articles This Week for Writers 3/25/11: http://bit.ly/eNHK82
How to Write a Press Release—A Mini-Tutorial: http://bit.ly/fHy2Pe
Should authors revise for agents without an offer of representation? http://bit.ly/g5vPse
It's never too late--2011 Writing Progress Spreadsheet: http://bit.ly/g2yZDa @storiestorm
How Writers Can Use Amazon to Sell Books: http://bit.ly/gTyLnN
The discovery of the victim in crime fiction (cases where the body isn't reported): http://bit.ly/esgH2x @mkinberg
Creating non-violent conflict in your story: http://bit.ly/h9kdoY
What to do when the words won't flow: http://bit.ly/f2j6hY
Proper Dialog Placement: http://bit.ly/f9L0dw
Editorial | It’s Not About HarperCollins (Library Journal): http://bit.ly/gW3vlg
Identifying Your Themes: http://bit.ly/eHDiwB
Place in the Novel: Setting or Character: http://bit.ly/fNGWfv
You're so nauseously nice: Getting Insulted by Authors (LA Times): http://lat.ms/h3nbU0
Let Your Senses Do The Walking And Talking: http://bit.ly/i1ZQq5
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Eat Healthy and frugally! Chicken Tortilla Roll-Ups http://bit.ly/hl03a2 @CleoCoyle
Good and Bad in Google Book Search Settlement Decision: http://bit.ly/fAY02k
What Writing Teaches Us About Parenting: http://huff.to/fK6ZNO
Noted Self-Publisher (Amanda Hocking) May Be Close to a Book Deal (NY Times): http://nyti.ms/fpwF7P
5 Ways to Shorten Your Twitter Bio: http://bit.ly/iigqDd
The Anatomy of a Successful Ebook Giveaway: http://bit.ly/dMH4Fu
Dealing with Agents and Publishers: http://bit.ly/edVnau
10 Reasons Why Authors Love Ebooks: http://bit.ly/gs8i1x @thecreativepenn
Tips for Tackling the Final Proof: http://bit.ly/gE8dm1
Written in stone? Editing your backlist books for reissue as ebooks: http://bit.ly/gN1mlS
The most popular links on synopsis writing that I've tweeted: http://bit.ly/eWeJtB
Creating and Writing Compelling Villains: http://bit.ly/eBzNu3
Different paths to the same goal: http://bit.ly/hZTLUG
Why (Most) Publishers Are Still In New York: http://bit.ly/fLhI6t
8 Fiddly Things You Can Do To Your Manuscript To Make Your Editor's Day: http://bit.ly/ezveXy
109 Ways to Make Your Business/Book Irresistible to the Media: http://bit.ly/fWc8Ec
TV Shows: A Writer’s Teaching Tool: http://bit.ly/i8qPGk @storiestorm
Good Grief: The Painful yet Productive Process of Revising after a Critique: http://bit.ly/h0N4VN
Go Hard or Go Home–Blogging & Branding: http://bit.ly/ggHY7j
Barnes & Noble Struggles To Find a Buyer: http://bit.ly/fAb0fn
Authors Find Marketing and Publicity Strength in Numbers: http://bit.ly/dSM2mh
10 Steps to Making Your Author Blog a Rockin’ Success: http://bit.ly/f7Ic7g @victoriamixon
Titles. Or Not. http://bit.ly/eq3MZf
The Simple 5-Step Formula for Effective Online Content: http://bit.ly/fxjj2S
Embracing inconsistency as a writer: http://bit.ly/gjTWDV
Battling the Romance Novel Stigma: http://bit.ly/eLtlLd
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Fruit au gratin - delish! http://bit.ly/gNifIi @CleoCoyle
Characters and emotional baggage - your characters' motivations: http://bit.ly/eF61e2
Some writing humor from @inkyelbows: http://bit.ly/ezsXy8 and http://bit.ly/gPTTmP
A 21st c Writer’s Helper: The Virtual Assistant: http://bit.ly/gcClPy
What’s your story’s agenda? http://bit.ly/hBSHfD
How to know if you're ready for critique--3 questions: http://bit.ly/hZ82FC
Strategies for juggling multiple Twitter accounts: http://bit.ly/gyMkLG
Self-editing checklist--scene analysis: http://bit.ly/fCwBjx
How to Balance Blogging and Your Day Job (while still growing your blog): http://bit.ly/hd0CZo
Secret Recipe for a Novel: http://bit.ly/fJrvr5 @4kidlit
Making Dialogue Dynamic: http://bit.ly/fzA9Fp
Deep-Tissue Critique: 4 Ways to Make It Hurt So Good: http://bit.ly/dYmUVq @mesummerbooks
2 debut novelists talk about the necessity of thick skin: http://bit.ly/dOUCgA @4kidlit
Backstory Problems & How to Overcome Them: http://bit.ly/iafAjI
Finally finished your book? Now it's time to get writing...again! http://bit.ly/h3Iim5 @hartjohnson
How to build an Amazon author page: http://bit.ly/dSx2FM
Don't be a Fail Whale--the Cutesy Moniker Tweeter: http://bit.ly/elgXIY
The importance of muscular verbs: http://bit.ly/e624WV & lists of strong action verbs: http://bit.ly/fVgobx & http://bit.ly/fjyNb7
Writing Can Be Learned—But It Can't Be Taught: http://bit.ly/fy8wKT
The Real Story Behind Pacing: http://bit.ly/i2Upow @joanswan
Punctuation in dialogue: http://bit.ly/gByXKe
How to fight spring fever and get some writing done: http://bit.ly/fkZRQW
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Blogging: http://huff.to/dNVf46
Writers should focus on the positive: http://bit.ly/gC88mg @thecreativepenn
7 things one author has learned so far: http://bit.ly/gwuDbS
The Return of the Live Event for Book Promotion: http://bit.ly/gVKbpf
4 Organizational Tools for Writing: http://bit.ly/ec2MjZ
Why Blogging Might Be Killing You, And How to Fight Back: http://bit.ly/hE1roi
58 Habits That Will Help You Succeed: http://bit.ly/gRKHdU
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Chicken Crescent Rolls http://bit.ly/gzffKE @CleoCoyle
Brewing up Inspiration: http://bit.ly/g6yqt2
Repurpose: Get More Mileage from Your Blog Posts: http://bit.ly/elgocF
Twitter Quitter: http://bit.ly/hSTCKC
Creating the main character for a fantasy series: http://bit.ly/h9Nfx8
Mystery Writer's Guide To Forensic Science - Collecting Evidence VI: http://bit.ly/fuQBra
How The World of Star Trek Taught One Author How to Write: http://bit.ly/hZAnEm
Living Your Myth: Mishima And Dying For Your Convictions: http://bit.ly/fn2AxZ @agent139
Polishing vs. Fixing: http://bit.ly/evau97
10 ways to reach "the end": http://bit.ly/i8zt3g @elspethwrites
5 Pickles to Write Yourself Into: http://bit.ly/hqhbFO
Top 10 reasons freelancers need to take a vacation: http://bit.ly/ePvRq5
9 tips for conferences: http://bit.ly/gDBnfj @authorterryo
Can Editing Be Fun? Maybe. http://bit.ly/gFbZYO
Avoiding passive prose: http://bit.ly/hsAdBo
Bestselling Author Turns Down $500K Deal to Self-Publish: http://bit.ly/ibo7D6
7 Uneasy Coercion Tactics That Will Force You to Write: http://bit.ly/ft57tX
The Care And Feeding Of Your Favorite Authors: http://bit.ly/eMzHgX
Combating Writer's Envy: http://bit.ly/eyDUmo
How to Make Your Free eBook a Magnet for New Readers: 5 Crucial Tips: http://bit.ly/fTZxrd
Description: scents and seasons: http://bit.ly/eMchpW
Writing Tools: Scrivener: http://bit.ly/eHsP5H
Back to Basics, part III: Maintaining Self-Confidence: http://bit.ly/hqiXHL
The Solace of Dark Novels and Memoirs: http://huff.to/eUeYMw
One Art, Please. I Have 99 cents: http://bit.ly/fbtZZl
How to speak publisher - B is for bind-up : http://bit.ly/gkyaTN
Young Adult Books and Their Readers: http://bit.ly/fakJVx
A Side Order of Stupid: http://bit.ly/exAXug
Formatting Your Documents for the Kindle in 8 Steps: http://bit.ly/eEXwD1
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: A Writer's Snack: Crust-Free Pizza from Cleo Coyle http://bit.ly/f10StK @CleoCoyle
Writing exercise--write a letter: http://bit.ly/gdBN0Y
Should you argue with your publisher over your cover? http://bit.ly/feCp8v
5 ways to be a crap literary agent: http://bit.ly/gBHSw8 @jammer0501
Where to find your interestingness as a writer + blogger + ruler of your domain: http://bit.ly/dIzHX4
A Character-driven Approach to Kissing Scenes and Sex Scenes: http://bit.ly/ffd9Bt
The best way to get a literary agent’s attention on Twitter: http://bit.ly/fQJHyw
To Conference or Not To Conference? http://bit.ly/ggDWzZ @authorterryo
Forget the Writing Rules: http://bit.ly/fyhqvj
Hardworking vs. talented: http://bit.ly/f4xWoO
Authors, be careful not to overpay for POD services: http://bit.ly/ibwT9u
Best Tweets for Writers (week ending 3/18/11): http://bit.ly/hBVbfM
When Your Agent Isn't Feeling the Love: http://bit.ly/gsETo3
Strategic tweeting for authors: http://bit.ly/h0IXXX
Bios: Stumbling on self-intros: http://bit.ly/ghVvC3
Best and Worst Agent & Editor Advice: Part 2: http://bit.ly/i4KYLc
Using Text to “Enhance” E-books and Other Insights from the 2011 Leipzig Book Fair: http://bit.ly/f4PzuG
When Your Can't Write What You Love to Read: http://bit.ly/f78cl3
Why Vague Writing Is Weak Writing: http://bit.ly/eJ1u5W
Fiction within fiction – made-up worlds and stories inside stories: http://bit.ly/fjJgB2
The Five Stages of Editing: http://bit.ly/eTgYbu
What to do when you get an agent call: http://bit.ly/dQVkoJ
Plotting Through Goals: http://bit.ly/gn4OlK
Style sheets: http://bit.ly/gfvu7T
A synopsis checklist: http://bit.ly/hroF7w
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Gone to the Dogs -- Crock Pot Barbecue http://bit.ly/fwpAkS @CleoCoyle
How to format a query letter: http://bit.ly/hkXDoK
Tell, Don’t Show: http://bit.ly/fzpmNS
An agency with a publishing dictionary: http://bit.ly/dDXIZh
Dos and Don'ts of Combining Genres: http://bit.ly/flwgvE
Where the editors are in 2011: http://bit.ly/hrVjST
Revising by color: http://bit.ly/ekuFgE
Want the most popular writing articles of the month? Sign up for the monthly WKB newsletter for links & interviews: http://bit.ly/gx7hg1
4 Ways To Make Yourself Complete a Book: http://bit.ly/e2uVb7
An author shares platform-building insights: http://bit.ly/hlx1HB
"I Did Everything Wrong...and Still Got a Contract": http://bit.ly/ikBbIA
Regaining Perspective on Your WIP: http://bit.ly/gPAKQ9
Equip Your Characters: http://bit.ly/fhZyfz
Cues from the Coach: Taming Your Characters: http://bit.ly/fBocan
The Looks of Writers, Or How To At Least Look Like A Writer: http://bit.ly/fgJ1J7
Multiple POVs--how many is too many? http://bit.ly/eO3U2K
On Languages, Linguistics, the Future, and the Fantasy: http://bit.ly/fP7Sfc
What makes a book great? http://bit.ly/fYLhgy
Are You a Wimpy Blogger? http://bit.ly/ib8895
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Welcome, Guest Author Ellery Adams http://bit.ly/h5oy5m @CleoCoyle
A Novel is Not a Story: http://bit.ly/hgK67Z
When an Author Meets His Critics: http://huff.to/hDrAQq
WordPress Plugins To Rock Your World: http://bit.ly/dGoefJ
The Charlie Sheen Guide to Winning! at Online Marketing: http://bit.ly/geoSUM
A Writer Blogs About Process: http://bit.ly/fVDt07
Six Limitations of the First Person POV: http://bit.ly/fkW7wg
What's popular on the WKB search engine today? http://bit.ly/g9fTqf
9 Mindfulness Rituals to Make Your Day Better (a little zen for writers): http://bit.ly/hu1rxA
Self-Editing: Character Development: http://bit.ly/gGBjgG
Writing is about growing up: http://bit.ly/dPWRaB
Developing Voices for Different POVs: http://bit.ly/hcFb8J
8 iPhone Apps to Grow & Connect With Audience: http://bit.ly/fOJzaW
How To Tell If Your Writing Is Any Good - Part 1: http://bit.ly/gKc5D0
6 Ways to Promote Your Book for Free: http://bit.ly/gmQCzl
Social Media: There's No Such Thing as Too Early: http://bit.ly/htxEMp
A Writer’s Antidotes for Envy: http://bit.ly/f0byLS
Top 12 iPhone Apps That'll Increase Your Productivity: http://bit.ly/eVRtCg
The Preposition Gnome: http://bit.ly/i4HJ6p
The art of hitting send: http://bit.ly/esCVjS
Connections between some well-known crime writers' lives and their stories: http://bit.ly/e1qFJ7 @mkinberg
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Is it time for a party? http://bit.ly/fssh8L @CleoCoyle
Resources for Christian Fiction Writers: http://bit.ly/dSMZd6
How Captain Kirk Led An Author to Write Historical Fiction: http://bit.ly/eAmrTN
Immersed in our stories: http://bit.ly/gzdUqw
Desperate writers: http://bit.ly/i4dhFJ