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As usual, here are writing links that I’ve posted to Twitter for the past week.
My addition this week is an efficient method of locating resources on writing topics when you need them—via the Writer’s Knowledge Base search engine and software engineer and writer Mike Fleming’s ingenuity. The links I tweet (which are writers’ blogs, agents’ and editors’ blogs) all are added to the engine to make it easier for you to access the information you’re looking for.
Sympathetic antagonists: http://dld.bz/JqAz
For horror writers--a submission resource: http://horrortree.com/
Writing Theory -- The Monomyth: http://dld.bz/Jnjp
The overlooking and discounting of clues by sleuths in crime fiction: http://dld.bz/JqZW @mkinberg
A Proper Break…in life and in Microsoft Word: http://dld.bz/JqrW
Five Strategies For Writers to Deal With Rejection and Critique: http://dld.bz/Jqrw
Four Strategies for Creating Titles That Jump Off the Page: http://dld.bz/JnhV
5 Ways to Set Smothered Verbs Free: http://dld.bz/JnhS
Crafting the Perfect Story, or, I Gush About Veronica Mars: http://dld.bz/JnhK
Goal - Conflict - Stakes. Why You Need All Three: http://dld.bz/Jhp3
Ten Traits of Successful Writers: http://dld.bz/Jhpy
Is The Future Of Print Books Limited Edition Beautiful Art? http://dld.bz/Jnqx
Introducing the search engine for writers--finding resources that Google won't: http://dld.bz/Hnnn @hiveword
Dos and Don'ts of Opening Pages: http://dld.bz/Jhpv
Website Stats 101 for Authors: http://dld.bz/Jhpq
Nancy Drew and The Case of the Guilty Silence: http://dld.bz/JhnP
The Making of a Novel: Set Decoration (Huff Post): http://dld.bz/Jhn2
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: MY GRANDMOTHER'S MEATLOAF http://bit.ly/hqwZhn @CleoCoyle
8 Rituals to Get You Focused: http://dld.bz/HWbu
10 Biggest Time-Sinks in Science Fiction and Fantasy: http://dld.bz/HWbg
How to Explore New Careers (Without Quitting Your Day Job): http://dld.bz/HWba
Breaking the Rules of Writing: http://dld.bz/HWaS
You *can* edit yourself: http://dld.bz/HWaD
How to determine your character's motivating need: http://dld.bz/HVZY
Typing vs. Longhand: Does it Affect Your Writing? http://dld.bz/HVZQ
The Process of Creation – Concepts – Themes: http://dld.bz/HVZ7 @JustusRStone
5 writing mistakes one writer has made that he encourages you to learn from: http://dld.bz/JcNs @ajackwriting
Psychology in Writing: Adding Sound Effects to Your Writing: http://dld.bz/HVZz
Rick Riordan's top 5 misconceptions about writing: http://dld.bz/HVZj
"My Agent is Exhibiting Inappropriate Behaviors. Now What?": A Five-Step Program for the Anxious and Forlorn: http://dld.bz/HVYc
5 Things I Learned About Writing by Watching Football: http://dld.bz/HMnF
Why I won't take the bait: http://dld.bz/Jdmb
How to avoid an endless revise: http://dld.bz/HMnv
The blank page--don't be afraid to make a mess: http://dld.bz/HMmG
Love, Crush, Infatuation... Do your YA characters know the difference? http://dld.bz/HMm5
An agent on the agent-author relationship: http://dld.bz/HMeG
Word count for the fantasy genre: http://dld.bz/HH9K
To Advertise, Promote or Market Your Book? http://dld.bz/HMmd
How writers avoid getting stuck with a story that feels like a bad marriage: http://dld.bz/HHB6
3 problems with writing a series: http://bit.ly/f8KWmr
The Essential Code for Aspiring Bloggers: http://dld.bz/HMkW
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Crusted Beef Tenderloin Crisis with a Happy Ending http://bit.ly/eJSugk @CleoCoyle
The art of good writing (Financial Times): http://dld.bz/HHCz
When your editor isn't great to work with: http://dld.bz/HH2Y
Somebody Loves You: What To Do When An Agent Says Yes: http://dld.bz/xt8j
100 Mostly Small But Expressive Interjections: http://dld.bz/HMkS
Seven Tips for Submitting: http://dld.bz/HMkk
The Very Basics: Ten Things All Writers Need To Do: http://dld.bz/HMkd
Why Every Writer Should Complete More Than One Book: http://dld.bz/HMjG
An agent on unlikeable characters: http://dld.bz/HH98
Three problems with writing a series: http://dld.bz/HHCC
Tips for freelancers on setting fees: http://dld.bz/HHCv
Literature maps: http://dld.bz/HHCh
Need resources on POV, voice, characterization? The writer's search engine: http://dld.bz/Hnnn @hiveword
Using visualization to drive creativity: http://dld.bz/HHBR
Tightening Your (Manuscript’s) Belt: a Checklist for Eliminating Unnecessary Prose: http://dld.bz/HH4Q
A Responsibility to Creativity: http://dld.bz/HH3z
Before You Decide to Pursue an MFA: 7 Essential Tips: http://dld.bz/HHzS
The importance of knowing what trips us up as a writer: http://dld.bz/HSmP
Managing coincidence in our stories: http://dld.bz/HHz4
Are You a Renaissance Soul? Use It to Your Advantage: http://dld.bz/HHBy
The 6 Essential Steps to Writing a Killer Press Release: http://dld.bz/HHAU
How to Make Your Writing Resolutions Stick: http://dld.bz/HHAC
9 Ways to Encourage People to Comment on your Blog: http://dld.bz/HHAc
"I Know Why Real Writers Have Cats": http://dld.bz/HHBm
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Ahhhh, New Orleans! http://bit.ly/i9SFE8 @CleoCoyle
Gifts to accessorize books and e-readers (Chicago Tribune): http://dld.bz/HAmk
Definitions of Speculative Fiction (or why spec fic is specific): http://dld.bz/HAj3
Point of View: Stories Are About *people*: http://dld.bz/HAkP
Tips for encouraging kids to read: http://dld.bz/HMQr
On keeping your day job: http://dld.bz/HAk7
Bold Predictions: Half of US Publishers Expect E-books to Be Dominant Format by 2014: http://dld.bz/HMpg @pubperspectives
Mystery Writer's Guide to Forensic Science--Linguistic Fingerprinting: http://dld.bz/HAkb @clarissadraper
For freelancers--How to Organize Your Assignments, Research, Interviews & All the Rest: http://dld.bz/HAjC
How to Write Your First Novel in Under 4 Weeks: http://dld.bz/HAj5
Not Everything Can Be Made Up When Writing Fiction: http://dld.bz/HAjv
What to ask an agent: http://dld.bz/rgEn
Showing & Telling in Scenes & Dialogue: http://dld.bz/HAhT
A query and some query lingo: http://dld.bz/HAhu
13 ways to start a novel. http://j.mp/hVYNBs
How Writers Can Use Dropbox Apps: http://dld.bz/HAhq
Book Contracts 101, Part 8 (Payment of Royalties): http://dld.bz/HAhg
Don't Sweat the Small Stuff: The (Back) Story of Our Lives: http://dld.bz/HAhc
A day in the life of an agent: http://dld.bz/H4RA
A Golden Rule for writers: http://dld.bz/HFjW
Your protagonist must have a goal: http://dld.bz/HAha
The heart, mind and murder test for writers: http://dld.bz/HAgR
7 Tips for Tweeting Links that Get Clicked: http://dld.bz/HAgM
BBC to provide answer to Charles Dickens' final mystery (Guardian): http://dld.bz/HAg3
Hawk Roosting at the Library of Congress: http://dld.bz/HAjN
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Mushroom and Rice Casserole http://bit.ly/foeuU7 @CleoCoyle
'Hunger Games': Why Kids Love Disaster, Distress and Dystopia (Huff Post): http://dld.bz/H9ur
Characters: What Are They Good For? http://dld.bz/HxuP
Tips on effective use of hashtags: http://dld.bz/H9rB
A writer with a round-up of agent advice on Twitter for the week: http://dld.bz/H9qW @HeatherMcCorkle
Does Your Novel Fall Victim to the Protagonist/Goal Switcheroo? http://dld.bz/H9qr
Need ideas to jump start your project? The Thirty-six (plus one) Dramatic Situations: http://dld.bz/H5Qq
A Writer’s Shortcut to Stronger Writing: http://dld.bz/H5PB
An agent on how to write a book proposal: http://dld.bz/H5NB
How to Prevent Reader Boredom in Your Novel: http://dld.bz/H5Np
You've Written a Novel. Now What? http://dld.bz/H4Sg
A day in the life of an agent: http://dld.bz/H4RA
Why being unpublished is great: http://dld.bz/H4MF
Tall, Dark & Handsome: How Much Do You Need to Describe Your Characters? http://dld.bz/H4JG
Introducing the search engine for writers--finding resources that Google won't: http://dld.bz/H5FX
Subjective Point of View: expressing judgment with adverbs and verbs: http://dld.bz/H4H4
A glossary of copyrights for writers: http://dld.bz/H4G4
5 tips for being a good book reviewer: http://dld.bz/H4hk @camillelaguire
The 3 Traits of a Writer—and Why You Can’t Succeed Without Them: http://dld.bz/HxtY
An interesting look at how crime fiction sleuths cope with the stress that murders create: http://dld.bz/H4es @mkinberg
Another post in the interesting series "Understanding Screenwriting": http://dld.bz/HxtM
Clean Out Your Inbox Week: http://dld.bz/HxtA
Breakdown of "The Mist" to help explain the story structure concept: http://dld.bz/H3kB
Ghirardelli Mocha Challenge Winner shares his $1500 prize-winning #recipe: http://goo.gl/uUj5y #chocolate #barista #coffee
5 Ways Facebook’s Discussions App Will Make You a Better Blogger: http://dld.bz/Hxt3
Twitter – Time to get Social: http://dld.bz/Hxuy @JustusRStone
Internet Broadcasting is the Next Big Wave: http://dld.bz/HsV6
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Welcome Ghirardelli’s Mocha Challenge Winner: Jason Dominy Shares His $1500 Prize... http://bit.ly/emmu2m @CleoCoyle
What’s In A Title? Everything: http://dld.bz/HsVz
The Art of A Short Story: http://dld.bz/HsVA
A Post for Procrastinators: http://dld.bz/HtcR
Can You Hear Me Now? Developing Your Voice: http://dld.bz/Htcu
Is Schmoozing the New Way Into Traditional Publication? http://dld.bz/HsYX
Typos--how much do they matter? And a list of grammar resources for writers: http://dld.bz/HsYS
A lit agent with writers' conference tips: http://dld.bz/HsX7
Forget Google. Here's a new search engine...for writers: http://dld.bz/Hnnn @Hiveword
Boozing the Muse: http://dld.bz/HsVe @lauramunson
Formatpalooza--the emailed query: http://dld.bz/HvKJ
8 Keys to Blogging Success: http://dld.bz/HsUU
Reasons Why your Submissions didn’t get Published: http://dld.bz/HsUe
How To Use Facebook Advertising To Market Your Book: http://dld.bz/HsTJ @thecreativepenn
Crafting Outlines That Work for You: http://dld.bz/HsTu
Why You Should Read the Type of Stories You Write: http://dld.bz/HsTn
The Process of Creation – Concepts – Scenes: http://dld.bz/HsSV @JustusRStone
7 things one writer has learned about writing: http://dld.bz/HnDe
Signal words: http://dld.bz/HnmT
One writer says, "Careful, or you'll end up in my novel.": http://dld.bz/HnmS
8 tips for creating a unique personal brand: http://dld.bz/HnmD
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Rigatoni with Chicken Thighs and Sausage http://bit.ly/hSyayu @CleoCoyle
Top 10 dead bodies in literature (Guardian): http://dld.bz/HdsT
In the moment dialogue: http://dld.bz/HdsQ
Why Writers Should Go To Writers' Conferences - It's Not What You Think: http://dld.bz/HdsN
Making use of your Kindle--some tips: http://dld.bz/HdsC
So You Want to Start a Book Blog: Pre-Blogging Advice: http://dld.bz/Hdsm
Best Tweets for Writers (week ending 1/21/11): http://dld.bz/HnmH
Famous literary mentoring: http://dld.bz/Hdrr
The week in tweets--Twitterific: http://dld.bz/Hh8e
Ten Steps to Writing Your Memoir in 2011 (Huff Post): http://dld.bz/Hdrk
Is deep reading becoming a thing of the past? http://dld.bz/Hh7H @CCTimes
The tone of your story: http://dld.bz/HdqY
Trail Blazing With Your Plot: Planting the Clues and Hints in Your Story: http://dld.bz/Hdq9
Finding creative balance--making room for writing in your life: http://dld.bz/Hdqv
3 fixes to make your first novel fly: part 3 – don’t be linear: http://dld.bz/Hdqg @dirtywhitecandy
Max Your Dreams: http://dld.bz/Hdqf
Going with the Flow of Your Reader’s Early Training: http://dld.bz/HbnV @TheNoteProject
The Top 20 Passwords Of All Time (That Need To Be Avoided): http://dld.bz/HdrE
Myst. Lov. Kitchen: Welcome, Guest Hannah Dennison http://bit.ly/fkKvI8 @CleoCoyle
Make your book unique by making it twist: http://dld.bz/GVXw
How Querying Agents Is Like the American Idol Auditions: http://dld.bz/GVWn
Writing a Young Narrator: http://dld.bz/GVUw
Beware of Agent Solicitations: http://dld.bz/GVUq
When Is a Story Worth Writing – Part Two: http://dld.bz/Hbhg @JamiGold
What Happens to Your Blog When You’re Dead? http://dld.bz/GVSk