
Friday, December 10, 2010


IMS00173I’ve had a couple of writers email me lately, looking for help with crafting a query letter.

I’m always hesitant about offering help, myself, in that area. My agent queries never did get off the ground, although my query for Pretty is as Pretty Dies netted me at least one publisher. :)

To me, it’s just sort of a chore—eliminate unnecessary words, fit in the word count and genre, give an interesting summation of your plot, and tell a little about yourself. The idea is really just to tempt the agent or editor into asking for more.

I have, though, come across some really useful information lately that I think would help writers who are looking for some querying help.

There have been blog posts recently, stating that the best time of year to query an agent is January. So what better time to brush up your querying skills?

At the top of my list is a series Writer’s Digest editor Jane Friedman is running— “The Ultimate Guide to Novel Queries”":

An agent with querying tips:

9 tips for querying:

An agent on what *not* to do during the query process:

Your Query Submission Checklist:

An Agent on Addressing Your Query:

Smart Querying for Unagented Writers:

An agent on seeing the words "utterly original" in a query:

This Query Sucks (or how to fail and still succeed):

Elements of a query letter:

Good luck with your querying!