
Sunday, January 31, 2010


cup-of-coffee I wrote for a couple of hours in the coffeehouse last week. A couple of hours is a pretty long writing session for me. I got nearly a chapter written on the second Memphis book and felt proud of myself for knocking so much out.

But there was a barista there who had me beat to pieces, as far as being productive.

She greeted probably 80% of the people who walked in the door by name. (I have days when I struggle to remember my own name. It’s the Riley/Elizabeth thing…I think I’m getting confused.) This girl seemed genuinely happy to see the customers and even asked about specific things related to their lives.

The barista told one of the customers that she’d been up until 2:30 that morning studying….she was a college student. She gotten to the coffee shop at 6:30 a.m. and was working until noon, when she went to class. After class she waited tables at a restaurant until 11-ish. Then went back to her apartment and studied.

Okay…given…she was 21 years old. Being young does do a lot for your energy level. But she seemed—alert. Energetic. Happy!

I’m usually running around like a chicken with my head cut off. It’s fueled by coffee in the early morning and deadline desperation by the late morning. My fast pace while knocking out non-writing related stuff is due to pure necessity. Otherwise…the stuff just wouldn’t get done.

My energy? It’s hyperactive. It does get stuff done, but I seem more jittery than not. And I have a writing friend, Cleo Coyle, who writes two series for Penguin and has a lot going on. But it seems like the more she has to do, the more productive she gets.

So I thought I’d look at energy-boosting ideas.

Coffee. I’m drinking enough of it, I’m sure. It does help, though! At least, short-term. Before the inevitable crash. :)

Exercise. Bleh. But okay, I’m trying. I’m on the Wii 3 or 4 times a week now, doing that advanced step aerobics. Does anybody else do it? Do y’all think it’s hilarious that the steppers are on a stage with an audience cheering them on?

Sleep. Yeah, that would definitely help. Insomnia keeps me from much of it, though.

Meditation/Quiet time. I hear a lot about the benefits of this, but haven’t seemed to be able or willing to squeeze time in for it. How long is long enough to have it work?

I’m thinking exercise or meditation sounds like the best of the group. Maybe there are more ways to get energized? Anyone?

And—if you exercise—what works well for you?