
Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Something New and Different

Food Blog header Sometimes we have to shake things up a little bit in our lives.

I’m doing a lot of that this week. A lot. And, as a person who doesn’t accept change well, it’s been an interesting week. I took off to the mountains with my husband (unheard of.) I was actually able to relax (again…unheard of.) And now (drum roll please)--

Each Thursday I’m going to be posting on mysteries and food on the Mystery Lovers' Kitchen blog.

I know what you’re thinking. “Elizabeth cooks?"

Riley Adams is a cook. Riley Adams is my pseudonym for Penguin/Berkley. I’m writing the Memphis Barbeque mystery series for them (first book to debut Memorial Day weekend of 2010.)

Yes, all right. Riley and I are the same person and I’m not a cook with a capital C. This will be a fun learning experience for me—the other authors on this blog are wonderful in the kitchen. Just go over there and check out the recipes. I’m excited to be a part of their group, plan to learn a lot, and hope to share what I learned from growing up around some fantastic Southern cooks.

Twitter? We’re there: it’s MysteryLoversKitchen. Facebook? It’s Mystery Lovers Kitchen under groups.

Also, I’m pleased to report that I’m hosting a special series on conventions on Mystery Writing is Murder. Tomorrow, Alan Orloff will be giving us tips to get the most out of our attendance at writing conventions: before, during, and after the conference. On Friday and Saturday, Galen Kindley will explain how to pitch an agent at a convention. I’m really looking forward to reading these posts, since I’m a convention newbie.

Now I’d better go rummage through my recipe box….