
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Panel Discussion in Gastonia, NC

IMG_4237  The Carolina Conspiracy had a panel discussion this past weekend at the Gaston County Public Library in Gastonia, North Carolina, on the topic "Murder for Fun and Profit." The branch sponsors many really interesting programs( ) and librarian Carol Reinhardt was a wonderful hostess.

I have a great time with the Carolina Conspiracy and blog with them on alternate Mondays ( ) .  Being a member of the Conspiracy is a great way to network with other writers, get inspiration, hear industry tips, and find out how other writers get the job done.  If you have an opportunity to join a group with other writers in your town, I highly recommend it.  I'm a former/current member of: writers' clubs (generally they'll have speakers, host contests, and offer networking opportunities), critique groups (I've done both the online and the in-person varieties), and promotional the Conspiracy. If nothing else, you'll make new friends with people who share common interests with you.